Thought for the day (Page 65)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)

Getting the timing right

Luke 13: 31 – 35 A few years ago, we visited New Zealand and Australia, and our hotels, in both Dunedin, NZ, and Manley, Australia, were right opposite surfing beaches. I am not a surfer, although I have done a bit of body boarding in my time, but I do know that if a surfer…

Palm Sunday Paradox

Jesus always showed the other side of the question, and turned hard held values on their head. Paradoxically, with Jesus, it wasn’t a case of what you see, is what you get, more a case of, ‘do you get what you see’? Is it surprising though that we don’t always get what Jesus means? The…

A clear picture?

A shortened version of a message I read on Facebook goes like this: “A young woman watched her new neighbour hang out her washing and she complained to her husband that the clothes were not properly washed as they looked dirty. She considered telling her neighbour and was even going to offer her some washing…


When our sports team wins a cup or our country wins a battle, we arrange a victory parade. The open topped bus is driven slowly through the town, with the smiling heroes on top waving to their adoring fans. It’s a tradition that seems to have started in Roman times, when, on the day of…

Waiting for Repairs

For what feels like years we have been waiting for repairs to be carried out to remake the footpath beside the river just along the road from our house. In very heavy rain a couple of Boxing Days ago, the erosion of soil, made worse by high water levels led to a partial collapse of…

Every Sunday is an Easter Day

The beautiful sight of daffodils at this time of the year reminds me of the first of two separate Easter Day sermons I heard many years ago. Possibly a reader of this contribution may have heard the same stories, from the same speakers, as they are well worth repeating. The first speaker related how he…


In Eddie Askew’s book he tells us of a friend who had a really refreshing holiday on a narrow boat on a canal.  They watched the life all around them and noticed that the butterflies were flying faster than they were going. Years ago I went on a week’s holiday on a narrow boat holiday,…


My husband was recently complaining how it was really hard to push the plunger down on our cafetière – only posh coffee in our house! So I set to, with a pair of pliers to dismantle it, only to discover layers of coffee sludge and calcium carbonate blocking the filters. After a good scrub, and…

Lent 5 – Jesus Making Disciples

Based on Luke 19: 1-10 I love reading biographies and auto biographies and have quite an extensive collection of books, audio books and digital books. Perhaps I’m just nosy, but I want to know what drives people, how they become successful, how they overcome hurdles and even survive against all the odds.  I particularly like…