Thought for the day (Page 58)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)


On my way out of Framlingham one recent Sunday morning, my mind on the service I was heading off to lead, I was brought back to the moment as I watched a dog, placidly on a lead, suddenly take off, pulling free from its unsuspecting walker to go in pursuit of another unsuspecting dog and…

A Statement of Faith

We believe in God, who, in his Son Jesus Christ, has come among us to defeat the power of sin and the fear of death. We believe in God the Holy Spirit, poured out on the Church to assure it of the presence and power of the risen Christ. We believe that before time was,…


I have been spending time sorting out things on my desk and came across this meditation which I thought I would share with you. “Slow me down, Lord: Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind Steady my hurried pace with a vision of the eternal reach of time. Give me,…

Scary hills

One of the things cyclists, or at least me, worry about is steep hills. On my recent cycling trip, we had one day when we had to climb some 20% hills, one for around 2 miles. However, by far, the most scary experience of the whole trip was Greenhow Hill. This is the descent into…

Telling the story

Way back in 1979 I travelled to London for the Methodist Association of Youth Clubs (MAYC) London Weekend.  My brother and I were only away for two nights with a coachload of other folk from Bradford, most of them unknown to us, but that weekend my life changed.  Returning home on Sunday evening, I can…

When ready…

At Easter when my son and his partner came to stay Jess brought me a couple of tomato plants. I have never grown tomatoes in my lifetime. I kept them indoors for a while and then transferred them to a large pot outside. They grew into large plants but I had no idea that I…

Sieving, saving, salving

Walking through a well-known discount store today, I was drawn to their “Fall display”. Autumnal leaves and pumpkins, orange and brown gnomes and squirrels – harvest time already!!! I was reminded that with the harvest comes sorting and sifting and sieving – getting rid of the husks and chaff to save the grain of value.…

Frightened of freedom

Twenty years ago, we went for our first family holiday to the Lake District. We had always gone to the seaside before, but a change was needed, and we were anxious that the idea might backfire on us. In hindsight it was a huge success; this year we are all going to Cumbria together, accompanied…


As some of you will know I like a variety of teas and, usually drink it black so I can taste the tea.  I have green tea with lemon for breakfast, Lady Grey for lunch and green tea in the afternoon.  Perhaps you are thinking “Ugh” or what has that got to do with a…

It’s a promise!

In God’s word the Bible we are given many promises. All of God’s promises must be fulfilled because God does not and cannot lie. When Jesus ascended to heaven his disciples must have felt abandoned. But Jesus gave them a promise that He would send the Holy Spirit and He kept that promise because days later they…