Thought for the day (Page 56)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)

Ask God

Some weeks ago, I found my diary for 1974. The first entry recorded the watch night service during which we had prayed our way into the new year almost half a century ago. As a young Christian, I was so fired up. I had pestered my grandma for a Thomson’s chain reference Bible. It was…

Being counted

Much has been written about religious affiliation since the publication of the UK 2021 census results. There are many ways to interpret the numbers. For what it is worth, I think the numbers support what we know to be true, with an interesting overlay. Is it not the case that this time, at last, more…


As I walked along the seashore, my eye was drawn to the side of a rockpool, where, just sticking out of the sand and seaweed, was the point of an unusual shell.  I stopped and picked it up.  It was covered with mud and bits of seaweed, but intact.  It was most unusual for this…

Boxing Day

The 26th December is traditionally known as Boxing Day. This is the day after Christmas Day and has it’s Christian origins as the day when alms that had been collected in boxes in churches were distributed to the parishioners. It is also St Stephen’s Day and so, as a saint’s day is associated with charitable…

Room for God

Happy Christmas everybody!  Try to Google “Christmas Day” and click on images, I did this and of the top fifty images in my search, there was just one picture that made any reference to the birth of Christ whatsoever. I scrolled right through to the end of the initial search and could find only a…

The wait is almost over

The waiting is almost over! Christmas Eve. What does it mean to you? Perhaps it’s a time of rushing around buying the final items of food for Christmas lunch or buying the present for a relative you had forgotten about. Maybe you look forward to attending church on Christmas morning and being able to sing the 6th verse of “O Come…

O little town

Martin E Leckebusch has written some updated lyrics to the traditional carol ‘O Little town of Bethlehem’.  I offer them here as a meditation at this Christmas time remembering Ukraine and all other places suffering from wars and conflict. O West Bank town of Bethlehem, How still your victims lie; The grieving weep, deprived of…

Aunt Edith

A little while ago Helen wrote a piece here that reflected on the shelf of old bibles in her home. She wrote touchingly about people who are history for her but memories for me. One of the people featured was my dear Aunt Edith. When I started preaching over forty years ago, and in the…

Everyone Loves a Nativity Play!

Violins screeching, recorders blasting. A little girl dressed as an angel, pushing a wise man off the platform. Two shepherds attacking each other with crooks while their headdresses slip down over their eyes. And the parents in the pews say’ aah’. The school carol service is in full swing. There in the corner on a…

Straight Paths

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” This is a meditation on a well-loved verse. We are to trust with all our heart – first of all trust is a mental decision,…