Thought for the day (Page 48)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)

Update On My Tomatoes

A few months ago, I wrote about my first attempt at growing tomatoes. I fed and watered them and put in supports as necessary. Daily checks were carried out and I worried about them if it was very windy. I also counted them as I picked them to eat. The final total was 265/267. (I…


Every month seems to come round quicker and quicker! Here we are in the month of Remembrance once again. Thinking about the Gunpowder plot, laying explosives under the Houses of Parliament, resonates with what is going on in Gaza as I write this. The tunnels packed with weaponry by Hamas under innocent buildings with people…

Free spirits

There is an important place for those who can think and behave in unorthodox ways; without them we would not develop exciting new technologies, exceed old limits, or crack long standing problems. Free Spirits can also be disruptive in a destructive way and do harm, they may exploit vulnerabilities and they sometimes unknowingly bring anxiety…


Sir, I have no husband Here at Seaton Road Methodist we resumed “Time 4 You” for the winter months, where sessions use the practise of “Godly Play” to look at a visual presentation that takes you on a personal level into a story & then we discuss & “wonder”. In October we looked into “The…


Many of us will have experienced some amount of flooding as a result of storm Babet. Where I live, apart from the inconvenience of not having easy access into town, there was not much damage. There was a slightly anxious moment when water was flowing from our pond (drainage ditch off the fields) across the…

Total support

The Ferris Wheel in Felixstowe is in the process of being dismantled. It’s quite interesting to see how each day a bit more of it is craned onto the back of a lorry. Some of the pieces are huge and obviously very strong. They would need to be strong as thousands of people have had…


One piece of homework I used to set my RE students in year 9 as part of a unit on prejudice and discrimination, was to re-write Jesus’ parable of The Good Samaritan in a modern day setting. So, I would receive versions such as The Good …….’Punk’ or ‘Liverpool Supporter’ or ‘Crack Addict’. If Jesus…

Healthy Fellowship / Heathy Food

A feature of church life, aside from worship, is often its fellowship forged over food. You can properly cite scriptural examples of fellowship involving meals, not least the Last Supper itself. It is sometimes said that we are what we eat; which makes many Christians appear as tea, biscuits, cakes, and other not especially healthy…


I once attended a course arranged by a national charity and it included this comment by one of the speakers. “There are two kinds of people in the world, those who talk and those who cannot wait for them to pause for breath so they can start!”  Somewhat tongue in cheek I suspect, but there…