Thought for the day (Page 33)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)


Apparently, ‘Flutz’ is a skating term, but to me, it is and always has been something completely different. Flutz are white and circular and defy gravity by ascending from the earth. They also have the power to discriminate between foolishness and wisdom. I was introduced to Flutz in Sunday school when I was three and…

The point is…

I wonder how many times I have sat in meetings over the years…church, choir, school governors, work, and other things too. For someone who does not really like meetings it feels bizarre that they have been so much a part of life ever since I left school. That leads me to the next musing which…

Climb the ladder

Our family has always been great board games players and I have a variety in the cupboard that come out whenever we get together.  In their younger days my eldest son was almost always the winner to his younger brother’s frustration.  Now they are much older it doesn’t seem to matter too much.  One day…

The small beatitudes

I have been sorting through some of my files lately and came across this take on the Beatitudes by Joseph Follett from a Church magazine. “Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves; they will have no end of fun. Blessed are those who can tell a mountain from a molehill; they will be saved…


On my recent trip to France, I had to hunt around in the recesses of my brain, and dust off (it was very dusty) my French speaking skills.  My cycle buddy for the holiday, Rev Rach Ward was much more confident than me and was able to hold a conversation for more than just a…

Feed the world.

My mum went from being a family of four to living on her own in just two years following the wedding of my brother, the death of my father, and Karen and I marrying.  She loved baking and enjoyed laying on a feast for her family, I can remember my brother and his wife and…

Around the corner

On my recent holiday we visited Coventry Cathedral. Firstly, we stood in the ruins of the old one, which must have been a magnificent building, and then we walked into the new one. I love stained glass and I just stood and admired the most fabulous window. The colours and patterns were awe inspiring. I…

Blue Sapphire

If my Dad was still alive, this week my parents would be celebrating their blue sapphire wedding anniversary. I thought all sapphires were blue.  After all the word ‘sapphire’ comes from the Greek word for blue.  But they come in all colours apart from red. Sapphires are very hard and durable, hence their suitability to…

A new song

A couple of weeks ago I had the wonderful experience of hearing a choir of 250 young people and supporting orchestra and soloists perform Elgar’s ‘Dream of Gerontius’ in Ely Cathedral. It was moving, not just because of the music but because of the effect of performance on young people, many of whom may not…

A prayer

A couple of months ago I told you about my mother’s book of prayers which she had written for her Women’s meeting when she was President. These prayers are lovely, my Mum was a member of the Methodist Church all her life, and she had a strong faith. I thought I would share another of…