Thought for the day (Page 33)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)


My first contribution to TFTD resulted from a conversation over a meal when comparing older and newer hymns and songs and I was reminded of that again when undertaking my daily Bible reading recently. The writer was commenting on the reason why, in Genesis chapter 4, Abel’s offering was accepted but Cain’s was not, and…


My husband in an act of generosity (?) bought me a bread maker for Christmas a few years back. I think this was perhaps because I had attempted to make bread the “old-fashioned” way, and the resulting loaves were more useful as building bricks than as nourishment! The bread that came from the bread maker…


I recently became aware of the hymn “I watch the sunrise” I confess that I had never picked the hymn and was totally unaware of its existence, it a beautiful hymn and that is why I have taken the liberty of including the link to a YouTube file, it’s worth listening to, in my…

Are you looking forward?

On Tuesday our Open the Book team used the story called “A Happy Day” to lead the school assembly. It started off being very sad but ended happily. It was the Easter Story and the sadness was the Crucifixion of Jesus and the happiness was His Resurrection. The teacher was really good in emphasizing that…

Cross path

Simon of Cyrene was probably just visiting Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. Cyrene was a Greek colony, in what is now Libya, with a strong Jewish population. Many Jews would try to return home for the feast, but it would have taken days of travel and inconvenience to do so. But this particular trip probably…

Love one another

Recently I have read many articles and letters in my daily newspaper about the state of the mental health of the population of the United Kingdom. There are wide ranging views on the subject, a lot of them well informed but diverse in their conclusions. I wonder if we are talking ourselves into a worse…


Our house group has been studying the New Testament letter to the churches: the first letter of Peter. It was written when the church was beginning to be established in many new areas, but firmly under Roman occupation. Life was tough and the congregations were encouraged to strengthen their faith in Jesus, but remain dutiful…

Are you a surveyor?

During this period of Lent and approaching Good Friday, I was challenged by the opening words of the well-known hymn, “When I survey the wondrous cross”. One definition of the word “survey” is “to look closely at or examine (someone or something),” and this reminded me of a verse from the New Testament. Hebrews 12 verse…


Today is the day we celebrate the Annunciation, that is the visitation of the Angel Gabriel to tell Mary she is going to conceive a baby, even though she is still a virgin, and that he will be called Jesus, Son of God. Mary didn’t consider herself important. She was engaged to Joseph, a carpenter,…

The Crowd

Many years ago, Prince Charles (as he was back then) was coming to Saltaire on the outskirts of Bradford, I think to formally open the David Hockney gallery at Salts Mill.  I was on holiday from work that day and so we decided to take the children along, thinking this would be an amazing experience…