Thought for the day (Page 27)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)

I took your place

(Author unknown) One day, a man went to visit a church. He got there early, parked his car, and got out. Another car pulled up near and the driver got out and said, “I always park there! You took my place!” The visitor went inside for Sunday School, found an empty seat and sat down.…

The person without sin!

Another fascinating fact, I recently discovered is that throughout the whole of England, it is illegal to eat mince pies on 25 December. I have no way of checking if that is still true, but if so, there must be many who, like me, broke the law on Christmas Day. Hopefully, the police are not…


Three weeks ago, I attended my 40 year reunion in Nottingham, (see TFTD 19-2-24). It was something I was eagerly anticipating and I wasn’t disappointed. Having had a clear drive up the A1, I arrived at the hotel, situated on the university campus around 12 noon, to be greeted with friends from years gone by…

Are you using your power?

I recently watched a programme on television about the Zambesi river. It was amazing to see the story of its journey beginning in North-west Zambia to ending in Mozambique where it flowed into the Indian Ocean. From small beginnings to the flood plains, Victoria Falls, the Zambesi wave, Lake Kariba and all the areas in between, the…

Who will look out for me?

In the Bible, God asked Cain the whereabouts of his brother Abel, whom he had murdered. Cain’s brush off response was, ‘I don’t know, am I my brother’s keeper?’” (Genesis 4:9). John Ferguson wrote a hymn (Rejoice and Sing 609) that opens with Cain’s question. It deals with Cain in the first verse, with Pontius…

Speak out

Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by Charlotte Haines Lyon Daily reading: 10 April – Christian Aid We need to speak out and fight injustice. Something to read For there is one God; there is also one mediator between God and humankind; Christ Jesus. – 1 Timothy 2:5–7. Something to think about…

Did they really say that?

According to The Great Book of British Useless Information, in 2009 Cadbury decided to warn their customers that Dairy Milk contained – Milk! Asda was once recorded as following “Allergy Advice” and decided to place a serious warning that plastic milk bottles contain MILK! I am amused whenever I visit a local Card Shop because…

Love as Jesus does

There are some people I do not like – those who inflict pain and suffering on others, those who seek to harm others, those who act out of selfishness. But do I love them? I try to. There is someone I know, (not local to Suffolk), who has caused much pain and distress to someone…