Thought for the day (Page 27)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)

Holding hands

My aunt recently died at the wonderful age of 97. She had no children of her own but was devoted to her various nephews, nieces, great nephews and nieces, great- great nephews and nieces. It fell to me to work with my sister and cousins to put together thoughts for part of her funeral service.…

Call it out, don’t walk on by

I spotted this car parked outside our local supermarket just in time before I walked straight into the ladders which extended across one of the main walkways into the entrance. I’m not particularly tall but could have sustained a nasty injury had I walked into them, fortunately the greatest inconvenience was having to duck to…

Climbing Partners

I thought it would be interesting to look back and see what message I had sent to friends on the 14th October 2020 and on reading it the message applies just as much today as it did 3 years ago. The thought was based on Exodus 17 v 12. “In 1989, paraplegic Mark Wellman climbed…

Help Grandma! 3

It was a lovely warm sunny afternoon when Humpty Dumpty club (mothers and toddlers) restarted after the summer break. My granddaughter was ready in her buggy when I arrived to collect her and bounced with excitement as we entered the hall. She is getting familiar with the surroundings and the routines, so once she was…

What’s in a name?

Sometimes things happen to trigger memories. We have recently been watching the Poldark series on Netflix, not having seen the programmes when they were released initially. They serve to remind the watcher of the harshness of life in Cornwall in past times. Hunger and the grinding poverty of the poor together with limited medicine and…


A young man once told his Christian parents that “God can’t lose!”. Expanding on this, he added, “If you pray asking God about something and your prayer is answered then you thank/praise God for answering prayer. If you don’t get what you ask for, then you say it is not God’s will”. It has also…


This thought was first published in October 2022 At the Christian conference centre I visited a while ago, in the ladies’ toilets there were ‘inspirational messages’ on the backs of the cubicle doors which certainly made me pause for thought. The first was this one: “It is during the worst storm in your life that…

10 brown bottles

I have been asked to save beer bottles by my son and his girlfriend. The idea is to use them as wedding decorations. The plan is to hang them around the walls, and if we get enough (?!) to use them as table decorations with wildflower displays. My husband was somewhat bemused, as he couldn’t…

Re rooted?

I recently watched a programme about “The Great Storm of 1987”. Various people were talking about their memories of the night the storm came. Kew Gardens were very badly affected with the loss of many trees but the one that stuck out for me was a large veteran oak which had simply been lifted out…