Thought for the day (Page 23)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)


Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by Rev Saul Tadzaushe Our world, yes, our world needs revival now! Our World today is a fascinating world yet a paradoxical situation. On one side of the coin, we seem to be in a post Christian era, churches closed, buildings sold numbers declining. It appears…


I recall a work colleague telling me that driving home after a holiday, he came across a long line of traffic following an accident. He stopped in plenty of time, but unfortunately, the vehicles behind did not. His car was shunted into the cars in front of him, but because the car he was driving…


When I was at school one of my friends lived on a farm in the middle of Dartmoor. I often used to go and spend the weekend at her house. As I lived on the edge of the city, I found the complete darkness at night quite spooky, and waking up to find a cow…


Karen and I spent a delightful morning recently at the Methodist Heritage Centre at Wighton near Wells in North Norfolk, where a small group of volunteers have worked diligently to gather memorabilia from Methodism to display in the old chapel, which has now been repurposed. I spent time looking around and as I did memories…

The 1950’s (part 2)

I remember when I was a child that Monday used to be “wash day.” Laundry was sorted into piles and the wash tub was filled with water. Lifebuoy soap was very popular. The scrubbing board was used to great effect and when everything was washed it then all had to be rinsed and then put…

Our father

Exploring the idea of prayer further, I have been reading Rev John Wesley’s sermon on the subject. He says the model prayer Jesus left us, contains all that we can reasonably pray for; there is nothing that we need to ask God for which isn’t mentioned – physical, mental and spiritual needs, past, present and…

Bronze Age Britain

Today feels very urgent and important. Those of us who qualify to vote will play our part in a democratic process that has evolved over the years. Even if we choose not to exercise the right to vote we are still doing something democratic. Dartmoor’s ancient settlement of Grimspound dates from the Bronze Age which…

Mother hen

Today’s contributor is Tim Burdon, Christian Aid’s Regional Coordinator for County Durham and Redcar and Cleveland at the time of writing.  Jesus – mother hen. Something to read Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often have I desired to gather your children together as a…

Lost for words?

Some years ago, I visited a Christian couple whose daughter had been murdered.  During our conversation, he mentioned that his best friend, having heard the news, telephoned him and during their chat said, “Don’t worry, brother, Romans 8 verse 28,” Aware of this verse I asked him what his reaction was, and he replied, “I…


Continuing on the theme of the fruits of the Spirit, I was reminded of kindness through the simple acts of a local lady just a few weeks back. I had the unfortunate luck to be involved in a minor road traffic accident in May. Having been knocked off my bike I came to sitting on…