Thought for the day (Page 163)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)

“Keep Connecting”

Facebook. You Tube. Zoom. I’ve not used any of these before Lockdown. Now it seems that I can’t do without them. Being 60, I can claim technophobia, and do when I press a wrong button and cut myself off !  I have found other buttons useful especially the mute button. It has kept me from…

The Land Between

The Children of Israel were out, free at last from the lash and harsh treatment of their captors.Free to leave, which is exactly what they did, walking on dry ground, heading towards ‘a land ofmilk and honey’…. but. There’s always a but, isn’t there? Moving from where we are, closer to where we want to…

God’s love is free

Everywhere you turn today you see advertising. Billboards shout and T-shirts tout their messages. Radio spots, TV commercials and newspaper ads make urgent pitches. Of course, we know that the goods and services being advertised carry  a price tag. We have to pay for what is being offered. No one expects to get something for nothing.…

Breaking and Mending – No 1

I have just finished reading a compelling and eye-opening book by Joanna Cannon, author of  ‘The trouble with Goats and Sheep’ and ‘Three things about Elsie’ –( also fantastic reads), entitled ‘Breaking and Mending’, which is a junior doctor’s stories of compassion and burnout. I hope she won’t mind me borrowing her title for a…

Good Samaritan comes to Suffolk

I was driving home from Hadleigh and came across a combine harvester coming towards me. It was obvious I would not be able to pass, and there was a van behind me. I therefore had to edge forward. Unfortunately I ended up with a wheel in a ditch, unable to get out. The combine passed,…

God is Love

We were having lunch one Sunday after Church. Teenage daughters had apparently had a rough time that morning in the Youth Fellowship. There was a lad there who had been completely disruptive, butting in, making comments, questioning etc. In the end, one of the teenagers, in sheer exasperation said ” I don’t know why he…

For such a time as this

At the ripe old age of 63 I find myself at times struggling with life’s circumstances that seem to be beyond my understanding. More and more my quiet question to God revolves around the little word ‘why?’- not least of all in this unsettling time of pandemic- and the expression found in the story  of…


The first of a few thoughts around one word  –  CONSIDER….. Consider the lilies of the field….  Jesus is keen for us to recognise how precious we are to God and  how  we can trust and rely on him.   Matthew 6:28 and Luke 12:27 tell  how Jesus’  followers are  to  “consider the lilies of the…