Thought for the day (Page 160)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)

God, close to us

The Italian renaissance artist, Piero della Francesca, was a civic councillor in Sansepolcro, Tuscany. His first commission for the town as an artist was his Baptism of Christ, which has found a home in the National Gallery, London. This is one of my all, time favourite paintings. It shows Christ being baptised by John with…

The joy of painting

What TV programmes in the height of Lockdown did you find helpful? One of the most popular was a 1970’s programme “The Joy of Painting” presentedby Bob Ross, a well-loved and inspirational presenter. Bob is an artist and his particular passion is landscapes. It was truly amazing towatch him take a blank canvas and turn…

The power of personal testimony

Police Inspector Barry Wright was not just a policeman at Scotland Yard, he was also an ordained priest in the church of England.. The odd thing, looking back to his early life, is that, even as a child, he wanted to be both a policeman and a priest but he didn’t know what to do…


In an article for the San Francisco Chronicle, Herb Caen wrote, “Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every day a lion wakes up. It knows it has to run faster than the slowest gazelle or it will starve…

God, alive in us

I find reflecting on various pieces of art to be very therapeutic and spiritual. I find the works of Italian Renaissance master, Piero de Francesca especially so. The Civic art gallery in the quiet Tiber valley town of Sansepolcro is home to one of my favourites. You can pay to enter the gallery but there…

The Methodist Art Collection

Over the last five weeks, in the garden at Kirton Methodist Chapel, for our time ofReflection and mediation at 4pm each Sunday afternoon, we have been looking atthe Modern Methodist Art collection. Everyone who has attended, has been give the full set of 24 postcards and togetherwe have been on a shared journey of discovery.…

Do Differently

Sometimes a seemingly innocent telephone call can set a massive challenge for you.  One such call landed in my lap on the last Saturday in August, the challenge was that we are taking responsibility for a further four Churches which we are inheriting from a neighbouring Circuit and the plan was to hold a special…

The power of personal testimony

Daniel was the youngest of three children and the shortest at six feet one inch. He came from a baker’s family and, leaving school at 15, joined the family firm selling bread and cakes. He had an inexhaustible love of painting which would eventually lead him into serious trouble. He’d stop and paint or sketch…

A Good Friend

A good friend is a special gift, given to us along the chequered path of life to help us and lift our spirits in times of trouble, and to share  happy experiences that become part of a shared history. I have such a friend in Angela, who I  met in my first week at university in…


The honeybee has one of the most highly developed social structures in the animal kingdom.At the heart of the hive, which may house as many as 80,000 bees, is the queen. Without her the colony has no future. But the 80,000 don’t just sit around watching their queen. Each bee has a specialized duty to…