Thought for the day (Page 154)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)

In the Kitchen – Again !

I’m  experimenting with sourdough.  Getting the “starter” going was interesting and rather messy  and took  a lot of time and a lot of patience.  At every stage there is a long wait, and I mean hours.  Because the yeast has to grow naturally you can’t rush it.  I’ve graduated to actually making sourdough bread now…

Travelling blind

Today I nearly cried.  A television programme took my breath away.  It is rare for any programme to make be even consider becoming tearful; even ‘War Horse’ did not make me cry, (well not much). Probably if I had not walked past the DIY shop, I would not have come close to tears.  Today I…


If you start to make a list of all the things for which you want to thank God, then you will need a very large sheet of paper – a roll of backing paper used in decorating would do – for starters, anyway ! It’s almost certain that one of the items on your list…

New life

This picture appeared on Facebook earlier this week and appeared to attract quite a bit of attention, my first reaction was one of amazement that in the knarled roots of an old tree, new life is sprouting forth and at face value, the picture is quite amazing and a wonder to behold.  Next week we…

Lost but found

“I fled Him down the nights and down the days..” The quote is from “The Hound of Heaven” by Francis Thompson.  Thinking of how God is always there for us and with us, if we’ll  only open ourselves to His presence, my mind wandered  to Thompson’s poem and how if fitted in with Jonah’s experience.…

The Tolpuddle Martyrs

The Methodist Church has a long history in responding to the needs of those suffering injustice. Much has been written about the early days of Methodism and its connection with the development of the Trade Union Movement. Fiona Taylor in her new book “The Sheltering Tree” takes up this theme once more. This book has…


When I couldn’t sleep the other night, my mind was going into overdrive!  I ended up thinking about a Thought for the Day.  I came up with the word “Presentation”.  I suppose at the back of my mind was “have I got all the presents” and Neil’s request for some more items.  But it went…

There will be stars

Over the next few weeks a group of us from Elmsett & Aldham Churches Together are starting to plan how we can reach out to the community during Advent. One idea that we are working on is Advent Stars. Twenty four families from the villages will place a star and a simple Advent message in…

Out of the depths

I’ve been reading “Jonah” recently and it’s brought home to me the way God is always there:  Jonah may well want to run away and do his “own thing” but he can’t escape or avoid God.  In the depths of the waters, imprisoned in the great fish – or whale if you prefer – in…

Changing Seasons

This morning, while listening to the radio, I heard an interview with Chris Packham, the wildlife broadcaster. He made the point that although the lockdown had prevented him going to many of the interesting places he would like to visit, it has enabled him to observe much more closely what is happening in his own…