Thought for the day (Page 15)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)

God’s To Do List

Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by Rev Claire Jones Something to read The Lord sets prisoners free, the Lord gives sight to the blind, the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down, the Lord loves the righteous. The Lord watches over the foreigner and sustains the fatherless and the widow,…

Encourage one another

Though not an avid watcher of the 2024 Olympics, I am interested in how Team GB is getting on in the various categories. There have surprises and disappointments, especially for any contestant who has trained hard but failed to meet their personal expectations. On social media, there are lots of “thumbs up” for those who…


I’ve recently been looking at the collection of professional photographs that were taken at my son’s wedding in June. They capture so much of that day, sun and showers, preparation inside and out, smiles, laughter, joy and most obviously love. That love was obvious between Tom and Hannah, but also between their friends and family.…

Glastonbury 2024

My daughter told me that I ought to watch the Coldplay concert at Glastonbury.  This is not the kind of thing I would watch as a matter of course, I know very little about the band and their music, so it was with a sense of duty, and my best attempt at being a good…

Wildflower Seeds

In the Ipswich Round this week the Climate Action Group’s tip for ways to be green says, “Plant wild flower seeds. Not only will you enjoy the flowers, you can also enjoy a wider variety of wildlife enjoying them too.” I was watching the news last week and there was an article about using dogs…

Blood loss

At the beginning of this week, one of the television news items called for people to donate blood, especially if they were type O since there was a shortage, due to staff shortages and changes in people’s behaviour since the pandemic. Blood has a limited shelf life and supplies were getting dangerously low. In this…

Life’s moments

An unexpected benefit of spending weekends with our daughter and son-in-law is getting to see new places. They are not new of course, just new to me. The latest discovery was walking by the river Darent and discovering a great viaduct, towering over a country lane. Later in the following week I caught up with…

A Vegetable Patch for God

Plant 3 rows of peas:Peace of mind.Peace of heart.Peace of soul. Plant 4 rows of squash:Squash gossip.Squash indifference.Squash grumbling.Squash selfishness. Plant 4 rows of lettuce:Lettuce be faithful.Lettuce be kind.Lettuce be obedient.Lettuce really love one another: No garden without turnips:Turnip for meetings.Turnip for service.Turnip to help one another: We must have thyme:Thyme for God,Thyme for study,Thyme…

Am I redundant?

Even people not interested in football have probably not avoided the euphoria that accompanied the Ipswich Town football team’s promotion to the Premier League. Following on from that, there have been details of large sums of money spent on bringing new players to join the team. As I read of these ‘transfers in, I wondered…


If you follow any news channel or newspaper you will not have failed to learn of the news of an assassination attempt on Donald Trump, the death of a supporter and critical injury of two others. President Biden has reflected and responded to the clamour of voices for him to step aside for a younger…