Thought for the day (Page 140)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)

A tree of blessing

In his book “A Priest to the Temple”  George Herbert is saddened that so few people greet each other or say goodbye with a blessing.  In his letters, Paul is consistently blessing the people he writes to and urges them to bless each other.  When did you last bless someone? Considering our garden, I come…

“oh that snake”

I always liked to see what the Sunday School pupils had put on to the notice board. Looking at one on a Church I was visiting I gathered that the children had been asked to draw their favourite Bible Character. All of those that you would suspect were there, Peter, Mary, Paul and so on…

Dipping a toe

Some Churches have been dipping a toe in the water over the last few weeks to re-imagine what Church might look like in the coming weeks and over the next few weeks increasing numbers of Churches are opening with a variety of different expressions of what Church might look like.  I have spoken to several…

Breaking and Mending – No 2

Some of you who read my previous piece, Breaking and Mending 1, may be thinking that what I wrote was too simplistic and naive. After all, if someone is ill physically or mentally, or broken in some way, and medical support has not been of much benefit, then putting your faith or trust in someone…

The Earth is the Lord’s

The above is the title of this year’s Methodist Prayer Handbook 2020/2021. In the introduction Richard Teal, President of Conference and Carolyn Lawrence, Vice-Presidentprovide us with a challenging reflection on our Christian stewardship, in particular our call to care forpeople and planet. “ All of us are called to be good stewards of the Planet…

“Keep Connecting”

Facebook. You Tube. Zoom. I’ve not used any of these before Lockdown. Now it seems that I can’t do without them. Being 60, I can claim technophobia, and do when I press a wrong button and cut myself off !  I have found other buttons useful especially the mute button. It has kept me from…

The Land Between

The Children of Israel were out, free at last from the lash and harsh treatment of their captors.Free to leave, which is exactly what they did, walking on dry ground, heading towards ‘a land ofmilk and honey’…. but. There’s always a but, isn’t there? Moving from where we are, closer to where we want to…

God’s love is free

Everywhere you turn today you see advertising. Billboards shout and T-shirts tout their messages. Radio spots, TV commercials and newspaper ads make urgent pitches. Of course, we know that the goods and services being advertised carry  a price tag. We have to pay for what is being offered. No one expects to get something for nothing.…