Thought for the day (Page 14)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)


Over the past few weeks I have used the fruits of the Spirit as a theme for my TFTDs. After I had completed the last one on love this photo popped on my Instagram account – this makes me sound far more tech savvy than I am! Instagram is a way of instantly sharing photos…

Thought for the Day

On Monday 23rd March 2020, as the nation fast approached lockdown due to the Covid 19 Coronavirus pandemic, I remember sitting at my desk and thinking “what do I do with myself now?” I had a load of meetings in my diary and services to conduct, and at a stroke of a pen, everything was…

Swimming along

Recently a group of my friends had a few days holiday together. They all had a wonderful time enjoying the good weather, visiting various places and relaxing in each other’s company. During the penultimate afternoon 5 of them decided to enjoy a swim in the sea. They were able to stand up with the sea…

Hearing what we want to hear

In today’s reading [Colossians 1:21-23], we find Saint Paul writing about alienation from God because of what he calls our ‘evil behaviour’ (NIV(UK)). The way we think, act, live, our instincts and everything are a problem in our relationship with God. We are our own worst enemies in making it difficult to see and hear…

Never too old

One of the most interesting parts of the Olympics for me is that occasionally I will accidentally start to watch a sport which I was not planning on viewing and know nothing about and discover it fascinating.  This happened to me today when I put on the television after lunch and there was the men’s…

Through the eyes of the child

As I write this TFTD the news is full of accounts of rioting in various towns and cities in the UK (excluding Scotland). This all started when false information was disseminated Online about the perpetrator of the murder of three innocent girls attending what should have been a fun dance class in Southport. On Sunday…

While we are sleeping

I have decided that our family is weird, there are four of us living in the house, each with different sleeping arrangements, I am one of those people that is a morning person and am often at my desk working around 4am, which means that I am not very late turning in on a night.…

The Cost

Recently we attended a family wedding. It’s lovely to see relatives that you don’t see often – especially the children. I was delighted that one of the little girls had with her the blanket I had knitted for her when she was born. I was told that she takes it everywhere, well I’m not sure…

When words fail

The Prayer Handbook points out that today is kept, in the Catholic Church particularly, as the Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary. It is the day when the mother of Jesus ‘fell asleep’ and of her bodily assumption into heaven. That language is outside my comfort zone and for years would have deterred me from…