Thought for the day (Page 135)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)

The gate of the year

Kath Chalkley recommends the following poem, which she finds helpful.  Though it tends to be read as a poem for New Year, it is appropriate for any time of the year, and it seems particularly relevant in these times when the future seems so uncertain. The Gate of the Year / God Knows by Minnie…


Ephesians chapter 6, verses 11ff, describes the Christian as a soldier resisting the power of evil and remaining faithful in his discipleship. In thinking about this my mind went back to when I lived in Brunei and worked as PA to the Commander of the Royal Brunei Malay Regiment.  Brunei is a very hot and…

God hears whispers

A certain preacher understood why he had never been asked to join a choir or sing a solo. Musical talent was not one of his gifts. He had discovered this at the age of 9 when he was outside one day singing loudly. His mother opened the door and asked, “Is one of the calves…

Julian of Norwich

Mother Julian of Norwich has fascinated me for several years, I chose to write a reflection about her during my first year at college and her book Revelations of Divine Love was an inspiration to me as I set out on a new journey of faith myself.  Little did I know, as I studied that…

No Labels

It is good news that after many weeks of closure we are now able to open the “No Labels” Mental Health Support Group at Seaton Road Methodist Church.  We are most grateful to John Gillett our Mental Health, Walton Parish Nurse who has been responsible for producing all the risk assessments required. We meet for…

For she is the Spirit

Strands of thought based on hymn 393 in Singing the Faith – She Sits Like a Bird –  insights into the person of the Holy Spirit No.4.  “For she is the Spirit…”  Let’s look at  a last description of the Spirit from this modern hymn – “..enemy of apathy…”.  Life in the Spirit is unpredictable,…

Reason for the season

A friend of mine posted this on her Facebook page Why are people saying ‘Halloween, bonfire night and Christmas are cancelled’ ?? ? there is no one actually stopping you doing these things? ? Halloween- you can still dress up with your kids, play games, dunk apples, do a spooky den in the garden. ?…

Milky Way

I’m a very keen photographer. I got my first serious camera in 2007, but it is only in the last five years that I’ve been really, really serious, starting with an invitation from Nikon to join a photography workshop in Iceland.  In a matter of days, I went from “that looks interesting, but….”, on to:…

Fire fountain

Strands of thought based on hymn 393 in Singing the Faith – She Sits Like a Bird –  insights into the person of the Holy Spirit No.3.   “She dances in fire, startling her spectators…” On the second day of our recent holiday we’d booked to go to Houghton Hall in Norfolk.  Those who know…


The bighorn sheep in Colorado’s Rocky Mountain National Park will often allow visitors to approach them from below and take close-up photos. But don’t try to get above them or the entire herd will run away. The bighorns’ escape route from predators is always upward. On level ground a bobcat or cougar can easily overtake the…