Thought for the day (Page 133)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)

The Neglected Factor

One can only stand in awe, amazement, respect and gratitude at the fantastic, almost incredible, advances and marvels that are being achieved in science and technology of all kinds, ranging over medicine, communications, neuroscience, cosmology, agriculture, energy and materials science, to name just some. Is there no limit to the capacity and capability of humankind…


I have been watching Jimmy McGovern’s gritty 3-part drama called Time, set in a prison. It was indeed harrowing to watch in many places but I didn’t want to miss any of it. I’m prone to having a wee doze in the evening if a programme is not very interesting. Sean Bean ‘s portrayal of the…

Trinity – The Father

In the Gospel of Mark Jesus encourages his followers to call God Abba.  When the Disciples asked for an example of how to pray he starts his prayer  “Our Father…” For many of us this is an amazing invitation of be in the most intimate of relationships with an almighty, ever loving  creator God.  The…


Nichola and I have known this path for over 25 years. We used it as a highway for the buggy when the children were tiny, it was a training ground for carrying them in the backpack as they grew bigger and a Sunday walk later on again. Sometimes it is very wet and once last…

Sing Heartily

We have experienced many different things and changes during this long period of lockdown.  Some of these changes will be with us for many years to come, long after we are allowed more freedom of movement.  For example, many people now work all or some of their worktime at home and this has some great…

The Jesus Man

Sadly Geoffrey Brindley died on Tuesday 26th August 2015, a name that will mean very little to most people, but mention “the Jesus man” and faces in west Yorkshire will light up.  I can remember being out in the playground at Calverley Parkside School in the 1960’s and the word would go around “the Jesus…

Jigsaw of life

Psalm 104 v 24“O Lord, what a variety of things you have made! In wisdom you have made them all.” I love doing jigsaws and I’ve done and redone quite a few during this last year. I particularly like land and seascapes. When I start a puzzle, I sort the pieces into the outside ones and…

Small Steps

We have been in lockdown now since 23rd March 2020, for many of us this means a complete change of circumstance, daily living, affording things and maintaining a health relationship with our families. There are so many people who cannot wait to be free, will run headlong into the wind, thinking that all of the…

Trinity – The Icon

As some of you will know, I spent some time in hospital recently.  It’s amazing what you think of in that situation, and one of the pictures which kept coming into my head was of an icon I was shown during a Quiet Day at Otley Hall. Icons are images used in the Orthodox Church…

Changing seats

Bible Reading 1 Peter 3:8Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble The story is told about a plainly dressed man who entered a church in the Netherlands and took a seat near the front. A few minutes later a woman walked down the aisle, saw the stranger in the place…