Thought for the day (Page 132)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)

The Tolpuddle Martyrs

The Methodist Church has a long history in responding to the needs of those suffering injustice. Much has been written about the early days of Methodism and its connection with the development of the Trade Union Movement. Fiona Taylor in her new book “The Sheltering Tree” takes up this theme once more. This book has…


When I couldn’t sleep the other night, my mind was going into overdrive!  I ended up thinking about a Thought for the Day.  I came up with the word “Presentation”.  I suppose at the back of my mind was “have I got all the presents” and Neil’s request for some more items.  But it went…

There will be stars

Over the next few weeks a group of us from Elmsett & Aldham Churches Together are starting to plan how we can reach out to the community during Advent. One idea that we are working on is Advent Stars. Twenty four families from the villages will place a star and a simple Advent message in…

Out of the depths

I’ve been reading “Jonah” recently and it’s brought home to me the way God is always there:  Jonah may well want to run away and do his “own thing” but he can’t escape or avoid God.  In the depths of the waters, imprisoned in the great fish – or whale if you prefer – in…

Changing Seasons

This morning, while listening to the radio, I heard an interview with Chris Packham, the wildlife broadcaster. He made the point that although the lockdown had prevented him going to many of the interesting places he would like to visit, it has enabled him to observe much more closely what is happening in his own…

The Rickshaw Challenge

The BBC marked the Children in Need Appeal 2020 on Friday 13th November and I hope that once again we will see a record amount of money being raised for this wonderful cause.  Normally I would watch the One Show’s Rickshaw Challenge every day during the week and I normally find the experience both moving…


Those that know me know that I’m a Disney fan! I was watching frozen 2 and as I was watching it, I suddenly felt drawn to listen carefully to the lyrics of the song where Anna is in the cave alone and has just lost Olaf and Elsa I’ve seen dark before, but not like…


Singing the Faith 390  My God, I know, I feel thee mine (verse 3) When shall I see the welcome hourThat plants my God in me –Spirit of health and life and powerAnd perfect liberty ? You will already have noticed that this is a great hymn about spiritual experience. In verse 3 Wesley continues…

Christian Fellowship

In his book, “Why Christians Sin”, J. Kirk Johnston tells about a young Russian woman, who before the collapse of the Iron Curtain, was allowed to visit her relatives in Canada. She was a devout Christian, and her friends assumed that she would defect and seek asylum in Canada or the US because of religious…

Remember this ….

The Bible that saved my Father’s life during World War II We had a Mission Area Service at Trimley Methodist Church on 10th November 2019 to commemorate Remembrance Sunday. Rev Diane asked us to bring any photos along so she could mention names.  I was asked to write in about my father. My father Maurice…