Thought for the day (Page 131)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)

Christmas Stamps

I am very excited today as in the mail I received a First Day Cover of this year’s Royal Mail Christmas Stamps.  For the first time in a number of years the stamps all feature either the Madonna & Child or a Nativity scene.   All the stamps take their inspiration from various stained-glass windows up…

One is for God’s People

God loves his people. It’s worth repeating that ;  God LOVES his people! If you ever doubt this just remember how Jesus wept for his friend Lazarus.  Consider how Jesus reminds us of how we are valued alongside all of Creation when he speaks of the sparrows and the lilies of the field.  When people…

Light in the darkness

One of the delights of the last few weeks has been Friday evenings on the One Show on BBC1 when the show goes to a street in Leeds where the residents bring their garden chairs out onto the pavement and they chat about topical issues, I love it and it is well worth five minutes…

Love God

We have had some beautiful sunny autumn days recently. On one such day I cycled to Ipswich and came across these two murals on the walls along the Ipswich waterfront. The top mural was inspired by artist EVEWRIGHT as part of the Arts Eat Festival. It was hoped that it could be part of the…

Good Morning

When I was a little boy I got into trouble for writing on my bedroom wall. The writing was a record of the time I awoke each morning; I learned to tell the time at a younger age than all my peers thus buying myself the chance to read during ‘telling the time’ lessons at…

In the Kitchen – Again !

I’m  experimenting with sourdough.  Getting the “starter” going was interesting and rather messy  and took  a lot of time and a lot of patience.  At every stage there is a long wait, and I mean hours.  Because the yeast has to grow naturally you can’t rush it.  I’ve graduated to actually making sourdough bread now…

Travelling blind

Today I nearly cried.  A television programme took my breath away.  It is rare for any programme to make be even consider becoming tearful; even ‘War Horse’ did not make me cry, (well not much). Probably if I had not walked past the DIY shop, I would not have come close to tears.  Today I…


If you start to make a list of all the things for which you want to thank God, then you will need a very large sheet of paper – a roll of backing paper used in decorating would do – for starters, anyway ! It’s almost certain that one of the items on your list…

New life

This picture appeared on Facebook earlier this week and appeared to attract quite a bit of attention, my first reaction was one of amazement that in the knarled roots of an old tree, new life is sprouting forth and at face value, the picture is quite amazing and a wonder to behold.  Next week we…