Thought for the day (Page 130)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)

Turning to face God

Sometimes, as I travel through the beautiful Suffolk countryside, dashing from one place to another I feel an enormous sense of appreciation, whether it is seeing the beauty of the yellow Rapeseed fields in the Springtime and, remarkably, early autumn now, seeing the golden fields during summer months, ripe for harvesting, the quaint villages with…

Count your blessings

It is somewhat odd that, in Christian thinking, a time of difficulty, danger or despair is just the time for counting your blessings. Name them one by one as encouraged by Joseph Addison in his hymn ‘When all thy mercies, O my Godmy rising soul surveys,transported with the view, I’m lostin wonder, love and praise.…

Unexpected warning

As some people may know, I enjoy cycling. However, on this particular day I was driving along one of the narrow country lanes around Elmsett. The road was single carriageway with lush green but rather overgrown hedges. As I came to a bend a lady approached in her car from the opposite direction. Having reversed…


After cutting the lawn I sat down for a well – earned rest in the shade of our umbrella to enjoy a cup of coffee.  Suddenly from the next door I heard our teenager practicing on the piano.  First the scales and then she went on to practice the set pieces which she would be…

Free to dream

I wonder how many of us have spent time in airport departure lounges dreaming of what is next. Whether going on holiday or working, outbound or returning home the world of the airport is like nothing else in so far as we are bound by some of the tightest security we will ever find in…

The Eternal Tripod

Over the years there ‘s been so many ways of explaining how Father, Son and Spirit work together.  St. Patrick famously used the three leaved shamrock and every preacher faced with Trinity Sunday tries to find their own explanation. Some of you may be, or may know, keen photographers.  There are some types of photos which…

Good Medicine

Proverbs 17 v 22.A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones In a Better Homes and Gardens article titled “Laugh Your Way To Good Health,” Nick Gallo made an observation that echoes what Solomon wrote thousands of years ago: “A merry heart does good, like medicine” (Proverbs 17 v 22).…

Snakes and Ladders

I played snakes and ladders at church with some children a couple of years ago and was reminded of my own childhood when we played the game at home as a family and am impressed that this simple game has stood the test of time for over fifty years.  I decided to look at how…

God crowns faithfulness

An America’s Cup yacht has a crew of 16 people, including the navigator, the helmsman and the mast men. But the boat could not compete without the relentless work of the five “grinders”—-the men who turn the heavy cranks that control the sails. In a USA Today article, a grinder described his role this way;…

The Ever Present God

Today let’s consider another verse of St. Patrick’s Breastplate.  This time a prayer for God to be with us everywhere and in every part of our lives.  It focuses particularly on Jesus, making us aware of how God became at one with our humanity and thus is ever longing to draw closer to us. “Christ…