Thought for the day (Page 122)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)


Rev Joan is often reminding us to count our blessings.  This I try to do but during this lockdown I have found it more difficult as I think many others have too. However, since the snow and ice have disappeared it is much easier to count my blessings.  The snowdrops and crocuses are lovely, and…

I’m Sorry

As I look back over the last year, I have found myself repeatedly saying sorry. The truth is that life hasn’t worked in the way that it ought to work and I know that I have made mistakes along the way, in part, because I have found the whole process of working in an alien…

Drums ?

A sense of humour is an asset at any time but especially so when times are drab and dreary, colourless, hemmed in with restrictions. At such a time, where is it possible to find something to raise a laugh, a chuckle or just a grin ? Going back in time, one can recall the antics…

Dreams and Faith

There are times when our focus on God is distorted by our human overlay. In other words, we mould the message to suit what we are feeling. A recent sermon (Transfiguration Sunday) gave me the stimulus to share this experience which I have never shared before. It was 1982. I was 22, my mother was…

When 2 or 3 gather

During the pandemic, and before, I’ve been working in a specialist area of a primary school. We’ve had a lot of lovely moments and perhaps another time I’ll write some more about those, but for now I’ll stick to one or two. Children are incredibly resilient, and those I work with have been nothing but…

Musical Interludes

God writes the music for our lives. Our role is to follow His lead—humming, harmonising, blending and singing in tune. Serving the Lord, like singing, can be stirring and rewarding. But when we are set aside by illness, or replacement, or retirement, the interludes can be frustrating and unfilling. When God says to “Come ….rest…


We first visited our manse at the beginning of 2013, the house had stood empty for quite some time and the garden was a bit of a wilderness, the house itself was a bit of a throwback to the 1960’s but one of the big selling points for us was the view across the fields…

Finding Jesus in the Storm

Based on the book – Finding Jesus in the Storm  (The Spiritual Lives of Christians with Mental Health Challenges) by John Swinton. John Swinton is professor of practical theology and pastoral care at the University of Aberdeen and founding director of Aberdeen’s Centre for Spirituality, Health and Disability. He worked as a nurse for sixteen…