Thought for the day (Page 121)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)

Bear hunt

When the ground was covered in snow and we were unsure about venturing out in case we slipped over and checked the freezer to establish how long we could leave it before a shopping trip I was reminded of a book we read to our children when they were little, it was called ‘Kipper’s snowy…

She became a friend

There were a lot of women after the 1914 -18 War who  never married.  There were not enough men to go round and some women simply never met anyone to equal the ones they had lost.  At the top of our Road as I grew up lived the Misses A. Both had been engaged as the…


In one of my previous musings I have mentioned Mabel, the owl who lives in Christchurch Park.(Although it might actually be Mabel’s offspring, Matilda now). Recently on one of my runs I couldn’t see her in her usual hole in the tree. It took me a while but then I eventually spotted her on one…


Boris is not the only one who needs a hair cut!  Instead of talking about the weather one of the main topics of conversation is – when will I be able to get a hair cut!   I last had mine cut at the beginning of December and from what the Government are saying will have…

Putting things to rights

One of the things I have missed during the last year has been our family holiday to Conistone in Wharfedale, about three miles up the Dale from Grassington in some beautiful countryside. Normally over twenty of us spend time in communal living, there is no television, so we entertain ourselves, chatting, catching up on each…

She gave me my first Bible

In Lent we have space to think about Mothers and Mothering.  Here are some thoughts which come to mind, possibly to make the meaning of Mothering Sunday a bit deeper? 1.  She gave me my first Bible She was a lovely woman, Mrs. C, and she lived next door to me when I was little.…


Some of you will be of sufficient age to remember the telephone in the hall. Possibly an extension to another room but one line, shared by all, no automatic answering device, no record of missed calls. In those days, if the ‘phone rang it was answered because it ‘must be important’. People who relied on…

Senses of the sea – Smell

Our eldest son’s boxer dog, Ruby, loves coming to stay with Grandma and Grandad. It’s not that she doesn’t like chasing around the heaths and woods of Surrey, but as far as Ruby is concerned, there is nowhere better than a beach! She lies very quietly in the back of the car during the 2-hour…

Tomorrow will be a good day

You never know when you’ll need the Lord’s comfort the most—-when God’s care will be your only hope to face tomorrow. One day in 1932, pianist, singer and songwriter Thomas A. Dorsey discovered his need for God’s comfort. He left his pregnant wife, Nettie, at home in Chicago while he drove his Model A to…