Thought for the day (Page 116)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)

Pandemic words – ‘Admit’

I wonder if we will ever go back to church meetings as they were, before lockdown? You know, when there was a Church Council, and it was dark and rainy, or thick fog and ice, and your first thought was that the sofa in your lounge looked a lot more inviting than a hard chair…

Getting Ready

When I was a boy at home, one of the pre-harvest rituals on the farm was that of ‘getting the combine ready’. In the late 1960s and early 1970s machines were very much smaller than those we see now and almost every farm had its own. Farm pest control was not so good in those…

Our Kairos Moment

In the latest Spring 2021 Connexion magazine Revd. David Perry talks about our “Kairos Moment” i.e.” a Godly time of maximum opportunity for change to occur”. Post-pandemic is a “Kairos Moment”. David Perry challenges Methodists to establish “new places for new people” as we decide which path to take when churches re-open. Communities are “fatigued,…

Psalm 145 “Greatness and goodness”

Although there are many psalms of praise, Psalm 145 is the only psalm specifically identified as a Psalm of praise. The entire psalm speaks of praise, of why we are to praise God and then words in praise of God. One question Antony Billington explores in his bible study on this psalm is how God…


Meditation on God’s Word doesn’t have to end when your devotional time is over. You can continue the blessing by taking scripture with you throughout the day. Some people memorize a passage or write it down so that they can read it again when they have a few moments.  Leslie B. Flynn tells of a…

New beginnings

Monday 12th April 2021 saw the lifting of further government restrictions as a part of the so called “roadmap to recovery” and along with half the population of Ipswich we visited the wonderful “Jimmy’s Farm” at our first opportunity. We have spent many happy hours visiting the farm in the past and it is better…

Pandemic Words – ‘Data’

Words, like clothes, go in and out of fashion. The meaning of words change over time. Often, we can recognise a person’s age by the words they use. National and global events create new words and new usage of old words, and none more so than the global event of the Covid 19 pandemic. Since…

Body, Mind, Spirit

When you hear the words ‘investing’ or ‘capital’ your mind almost inevitably turns to thoughts of money and savings.  Finance, whether personal, community or national, features constantly in the news. We are accustomed to associating ‘investing’ and ‘capital’ with money. It’s quite normal. In financial terms, you can invest more money thus increasing the capital…

Singing Songs

God’s people have always been singing, so the hymn goes. Reflecting on the last year, it is interesting the differences there are between us over the place of singing in worship – it seems that we are not all reacting the same way. I have always loved hymns and the pleasure of singing in a…