Thought for the day (Page 11)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)


 I have no idea why I started to think about buttons but perhaps it was because I was having difficulty in closing one. Buttons come in thousands of designs, colours and sizes. They can be made from many different substances, gold, silver, brass, wool, wood and plastic. They can be used to decorate outfits or…

The signs are there

I sat down on a flat rock beside Rydal Water, enjoyed the view of the hills and the feel of the autumn sunshine. Having taken out my sandwiches and water bottle from my rucksack I was soon joined by a gull; it kept looking the other way but really it was watching, knowingly awaiting a…

Solid support

Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by Rev Claire Jones Something to read Blessed is anyone who endures temptation. Such a one has stood the test and will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. No one, when tempted, should say, ‘I am…


As someone who has read through the Bible a few times, I am still surprised when my daily Bible reading is based on a passage I assumed I knew. Recently, the readings focused on the life of Elisha including 2 Kings chapter 10.  God had decreed that the wicked family of King Ahab should be…


A few weeks ago, I had a fun night out with a group of friends to see ABBA Voyage, a show that celebrates the music of the ‘70s band, famous for winning the Eurovision song contest in 1974 with the song “Waterloo,” (for which the UK awarded them “nul points.”) They went on to be…

My identity in multiple belongings

I was born in a Shona community, and did my primary school in that same community. I lived among the Ndebele, Kalanga and English-speaking communities in Bulawayo for 22 years. I went to different schools and colleges with multiple cultures and ethnic groups. I travelled to different countries in Africa and visited places with different…

Known by name

On Tuesday of this week our Open the Book team visited Colneis and Fairfield Schools to lead their Assembly. We generally always need to get a few of the children to play some of the characters in the story. This week we needed 10 to play Joseph’s brothers so we had quite a large cast.…


November is a month of remembering – from All Saints Day to Diwali, Guy Fawkes to Armistice Day, Children in Need to Thanksgiving. Remembering saints and sinners, old and young, light and dark. To Re- member is to put things back together to become one again. Remembering is a positive thing to do – not…

I so want to believe

The fictional character Professor Dumbledore has his obviously fictitious grave on the real Eilean na Moine, a small island in Loch Eilt in the Scottish Highlands. We passed it on the Jacobite steam train this August. The island is not special and yet for Harry Potter fans it touches the dividing line between the imaginary…


Today’s contributor is Dr Frances Clemson, Christian Aid’s Faith Communications and Just Scripture Specialist. Something to read My times are in your hand… – Psalm 31:15. Something to think about Human beings have a complicated relationship with time. We all know how it feels for time to appear to pass faster or slower depending…