Thought for the day (Page 104)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)

Pushing the Limits

I met an amazing man several years ago, who is sadly no longer with us. John Hawkridge struggled to walk even the shortest of distances aided by sticks and I guess that in his early years would have been labelled with the horrendous term “invalid” yet with grit and determination, this incredible man managed to…

An extraordinary woman

A few weeks ago, I met an extraordinary woman. Let’s call her Jan. She would not see herself as extraordinary, in fact she sees herself as very ordinary. Jan had a troubled adolescence and early adulthood. She discovered boys at 16, or probably before, and found herself pregnant. The father of the child was nowhere…

God’s symphony..

A church organist was practicing a piece by Felix Mendelssohn and not doing too well. Frustrated, he gathered up his music and started to leave. He hadn’t noticed a stranger come in and sit in a rear pew. As the organist turned to go, the stranger came forward and asked if he could play a piece.…

God is our “crafter”

Psalm 51 v 10.Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me God can bring good out of our failures, and even out of our sins. J. Stuart Holden tells of an old Scottish mansion close to where he had his summer house. The walls of one room were covered…


When I was a child, for several years, we spent our family summer holidays at Hope Cove in South Devon. Recently we have returned on several occasions and old loves and fascinations for a delightful village and coastline have been reawakened. The signpost to the Hope Cove car parking arrangements is a wonderful summary of…

Follow my leader…..

Thought for the day on 2 wheels!(This series of Thoughts for the Day were inspired whilst taking a week’s break in Eastbourne with my friend Rev Rach Ward, a Minister in the Leeds South and West Circuit, previously a Local Preacher in the Ipswich Circuit) 4.  Follow my leader….. The last day of our cycle…

Jesus is the light…

Psalm 112 v 4.Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous A missionary in Peru went to visit a group of believers one evening. She knew that the house where they were meeting was located on a cliff and that the path would be treacherous. She took…


The village of Hebden in North Yorkshire sits about mid way between Burnsall and Grassington in upper wharfedale. Pedestrians travelling from the western side of the river would cross the perilous River Wharfe by mans of stepping stones as the only two river crossings were at Burnsall down stream and at Grassinton up stream.  A…


The shootings in Plymouth recently will have given rise to many different emotions amongst us. The BBC headline asking the question, ‘Who were the Victims’ is raising an important issue. When acts of violence or terror occur, on any scale, there are direct victims and indirect victims. Beyond these people, others will have felt something…

Hearing from God?

I found this piece from Geoffrey Rust pinned to our Church notice board today – I had used it once a while ago in a service at Knodishall and someone thought it was worth sharing. Having read it again I believe it is definitely worth sharing.  It certainly makes me wonder. Have I missed hearing from…