Preaching Plan (Page 4)

November 2021 Circuit Plan

Due to the current situation this may be subject to change so please do check back and also check with Churches individual Facebook pages and websites for updates. Key: LA=Local Arrangement, Z=Zoom, S=Sacrament (Holy Communion) You can download a PDF copy of the plan by clicking here

October 2021 Circuit Plan

Due to the current situation this may be subject to change so please do check back and also check with Churches individual Facebook pages and websites for updates. Key: LA=Local Arrangement, Z=Zoom, S=Sacrament (Holy Communion) You can download a PDF copy of the plan by clicking here

September 2021 Circuit Plan

Due to the current situation this may be subject to change so please do check back and also check with Churches individual Facebook pages and websites for updates. Key: LA=Local Arrangement, Z=Zoom, S=Sacrament (Holy Communion) You can download a PDF copy of the plan by clicking here

August 2021 Circuit Plan

Due to the current situation this may be subject to change so please do check back and also check with Churches individual Facebook pages and websites for updates. Key: LA=Local Arrangement, Z=Zoom, S=Sacrament (Holy Communion) You can download a PDF copy of the plan by clicking here

July 2021 Circuit Plan

Due to the current situation this may be subject to change so please do check back and also check with Churches individual Facebook pages and websites for updates. Key: LA=Local Arrangement, Z=Zoom, S=Sacrament (Holy Communion) CS= Outdoor Contemporary Service You can download a PDF copy of the plan by clicking here