Sadly – due to the Cortonavirus restrictions, the annual holiday club could not take place this year.
Sadly – due to the Cortonavirus restrictions, the annual holiday club could not take place this year.
Every Sunday afternoon during August and September (Weather permitting) , the lovely garden at Kirton Chapel will be open at 4pm to view a selection of Worship Stations.
This year Trinity are giving away free bags of food to those in need during the school holidays
William Glasse brings us information on “How can we keep from singing?”
Rev. Joan Pell will be leading a Zoom book study on racism and white privilege. Our first step in advocating for Black lives and Asian and Minority Ethnic lives is to understand or even believe that there is a problem. We will be reading a book by a black author called Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race. The author’s name is Reni Eddo-Lodge. The book is on the Sunday Time’s Best Seller list.
25th June – 2nd July, 2020. Information and Livestream available here.
Little Lambs Toddler Group is based at Landseer Road Methodist Church and has continued to meet, online every week since the lock-down began. The first few weeks were definitely a learning process as we had to adapt to using technology to communicate with the members of the group in new ways. A weekly session now…
During the current lock-down our Lay Employees have had to learn new ways of doing things so that they can continue to reach out to people at various clubs and activities
The following message has been received from Ruth Loggie : “Last week we started visits again at Norwood, which is at once a joy and a worry. It is arranged so that the resident sits in our Family Room by the patio doors and their visitors sit outside under a gazebo at 2 metres distance.…
You are invited to worship together with MHA, to reflect on the impact of coronavirus on the MHA communities and remember all those who have died within MHA and beyond. The service will be streamed at 3pm on Sunday June 14th and the recording will be available afterwards. Watch it here.