Reviews (Page 9)

How forgiveness works

How forgiveness works by Jonathan Baker  Grove Books, 1995  (Grove Spirituality series, 53)    24 pages £3.95     ISBN 978 1 851 742 913 The beauty and attractiveness of Grove Books is that they cover big subjects in a short span. This one, dealing with forgiveness, is no exception. In just 24 pages, Jonathan Baker…

The Destiny of Britain

The Destiny of Britain Hatikvah Film Trust.   2 discs  £10Disc 1 documentary presented by Kevin Crombie  107 minutesDisc 2 extended interviews with 9 participants   196 minutes The main objective of Hatikvah Films is to foster an understanding in the church of the Hebraic roots of the Christian faith as well as the place of the…

Why are we here ?

Why are we here ? A little book of guidance by Alister McGrath   SPCK, 2015   42 pages  £3.99ISBN 978 0 281 074 389  also available as an ebook In just 3 chapters and a conclusion, Alister McGrath, Professor of Science and Religion at Oxford University, offers a compact and stimulating argument in favour…

The Power of the Word …

The Power of the Word : the Bible is the most influential book of all time – and its story continues today…   compiled and edited by Luci Thomas and Patrick Wilson Wycliffe Bible Translators, 2000  61 pages  ISBN 0 938 978 187 A small book with 28 short, snappy stories about the impact of…

God’s interpreter

God’s interpreter  by George and Helen Jesze  Kingsway, 1984  190 pages  £ 2 available secondhand    ISBN 978 0 860 652 861 Several things become immediately apparent when starting to read this fascinating book which is full of interest. Firstly, the author’s amazing command of the English language – the style is fluent and idiomatic, the…

A wilderness of mirrors

A wilderness of mirrors : trusting again in a cynical world  by Mark Meynell  Zondervan, 2015223 pages  £14.00  ISBN 978 0 310 515 265 This is a book about cynicism in the first place and a Christian antidote to cynicism is then proposed by the author. At its heart, cynicism follows lack of trust in…