Reviews (Page 5)

Faith in the Age of Reason

Faith in the Age of Reason  by Jonathan HillLion, 2004  208 pages  £8.99 ISBN 0 745 951 309 Setting the scene first in the Middle Ages, Jonathan Hill then embarks on a sweeping, historical  survey of the impact of the Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, on the Christian faith. The movement of ideas is traced…

How should we then live ?

How should we then live ? By Dr Francis A Schaeffer  dvd (2 discs) 1977  with Study Guide£31 from Amazon   Can be seen on You Tube In 10 programmes Dr Schaeffer covers the rise and decline of western thought and culture, the movement  and development of thought and ideas from Roman times to the present,…

Revelation and Reason

Revelation and Reason : Wesleyan responses to eighteenth century rationalismBy Arthur Skevington Wood  The Wesley Fellowship, 1992   103 pages ISBN 0 951 633 228 “This book examines the reaction of John Wesley himself together with two of his associates –  John William Fletcher and Joseph Benson – to the challenges of reductionist rationalism in…

Gods and Kings

Gods and Kings : a novel  by Lynn Austin (Chronicles of the Kings vol. 1)Bethany House Publishers, 2005  316 pages £9  ISBN 078 0 764 229 893 This is a novel about Hezekiah, 14th King of Judah (one of the ‘good’ kings) who reigned from 716BC to 687BC. His father was Ahaz, a ‘bad’ king…

Who do you think you are ?

Who do you think you are ? God thinks you are amazing !  By Steve MawstonScripture Union, 1997  127 pages  £1  ISBN 978 1 859 992 036 Specifically aimed at teenagers, this book not only deals with the many anxieties and worries of youngsters beginning to find their identity but successfully manages to relate identity…

From Exile to Restoration

From Exile to Restoration : the role of the British Empire in the Restoration of Israel Hatikvah Film Trust, 2008  2 dvds 1) 58 minutes  2) 56 minutes   £13 In this film, sister to ‘The Destiny of Britain’, the presenter, Kelvin Crombie, together with Israeli academics and other experts, presents the story of Jewish,…


Lincoln   dvd, 2012   Twentieth Century Fox  144 minutes  £3 The consummate professionalism of Steven Spielberg is manifestly evident in this film. It is not a full-blown biography of the American President, the focus is rather on a few weeks towards the end of the Civil War in what turned out to be  the…