Reviews (Page 3)

Cows, curses and Christ

Cows, curses and Christ : disciple making among the Laarim of South Sudan by Philip and Linda Byler.Privately published, 2012  1786 pages  £4 (available from Amazon)   ISBN 978 8 718 387 742 This is a well told story of missionary work in a very troubled part of Africa – Sudan. It has one very…

The knowledge of the holy

The knowledge of the holy : the attributes of God : their meaning in the Christian life  by AW TozerSTL Productions, 1976 (first published in 1961) 128 pages £9 (various editions are available) AW Tozer can aptly be described as ‘a thinking man’s preacher’. He enjoyed a fruitful ministry in Chicago and Canada in the…

The case for a creator

The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel and Garry Pooledvd  Zondervan, 2006  8o minutes  £17.50 This is a well produced, six-session investigation of the scientific evidence that points towards a creator of the universe. It is built around the possibility of group discussions following each session although the group discussions are easily omitted. The…

War and Faith

War and Faith : short biographies from the Second World War  by Don Stephens  EP Books, 2016141 pages £6.99  ISBN 978 1 783 971 503 In this sequel to his book ‘War and Grace’, Don Stephens tells the stories of eight people of varied nationalities who, in one way or another, went through World War…

The Force of Truth  by Thomas Scott

The Force of Truth  by Thomas Scott  Banner of Truth, 1984 (first published 1779) 127 pages £2.95ISBN 0 851 514 251 This is a spiritual autobiography from the 18th century by Thomas Scott (1747-1821), a contemporary of the Wesleys. The interest of this narrative is that by his own admission the author became a priest…

Who wrote the New Testament ?

Who wrote the New Testament ? dvd  S4C, 2003 3 hours   £13  ISBN 0 564 035 36X According to the producers, this is ‘the story of 27 compositions that changed the course of history’. The 27 compositions in question are the 27 books of the New Testament. In 3 presentations of about an hour each,…

Kingdom of Fools

Kingdom of Fools : the unlikely rise of the early church by Nick PageHodder & Stoughton, 2013  £9.99  389 pages  ISBN 978 0 340 996 263 Nick Page has written what is, in effect, a very detailed examination of the book of Acts with a little history before and after the events described in Acts…

‘Discerning the Spirits

‘Discerning the Spirits’ : evaluating the prophetic voice by Peter Cavanna  Grove Books, 200628 pages £3.95 ISBN 1 851 746 218  (Grove Renewal series R 24) According to the author of this booklet, Peter Cavanna, there is a widespread misunderstanding of one of the charismatic gifts which Paul lists in 1 Corinthians ch 12. The…