
The Root and Fruit of Replacement Theology

The Root and Fruit of Replacement Theology by Derek WhiteChristian Friends of Israel, [2003]  with CD-ROM PowerPoint presentation   51 pages  out of print This booklet is a summary of the historical development of  the idea that the church at Pentecost replaced Israel as God’s chosen people (replacement theology) coupled with the origin and growth of…

The Badly Behaved Bible

The Badly Behaved Bible : thinking again about the story of Scripture  by Nick PageHodder & Stoughton, 2020  £10  260 pagesISBN 978 1 473 686 212  Also available on Kindle Nick Page is a well known author with over 80 books to his credit. He has been called ‘God’s most dangerous writer’. The quotation from…

Gypsy Smith : the forgotten evangelist 

Gypsy Smith : the forgotten evangelist  by Bill CurtisSeed Publishing Group (US), 2017  240 pages  £12ISBN 978 0 996 841 290 This is a study of Rodney Gypsy Smith (1860-1947) by an American Baptist pastor who earned a PhD doing this research. It bears all the necessarily pedantic hallmarks of academic research. If you are…

Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels

Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels (dvd)   96 minutes   Creation Ministries International , 2014  £14.50Commentary available in 16 languages Fifteen well-qualified scientists, from a range of disciplines, contribute to eight specific areas where the Darwinian theory of evolution in its modern dress is shown to have weaknesses, sufficient, in effect,  to undermine the theory as a total explanation…

3 Theories of everything  

3 Theories of everything   by Ellis PotterDestinee Medium, 2012  112 pages  £9.99  ISBN 978 0 983 276 852 This is an unusual approach to the consideration of worldviews. The author takes three basic ways of viewing reality from an Eastern perspective as well as a Western perspective. Three circles, as defined by Ellis Potter, explore…

Christianity : Opium or Truth ?

Christianity : Opium or Truth ? Answering thoughtful objections to the Christian faith byDavid Gooding and John Lennox Myrtlefield Encounters, 2nd ed., 2014  168 pages  £6 ISBN 978 1 874 584 773 This is one of a series published by Myrtlefield House, written by two eminent scholars who are committed Christians – David Gooding and John…