
Pentecost Cookies

Pentecost is one of the most important festivals in the Church’s year. At Christmas and Easter we eat Christmas Pudding and Simnel Cake, but I don’t have any traditional recipes to cook for Whitsun / Pentecost. Does anyone know of any? My family loves cookies, so we thought up these Pentecost cookies – they’re yellow…

Quick and Easy fruit cake

Ingredients4 oz. butter( or hard block marg. if you want to be dairy free)4 oz. sugar – caster or brown4oz. fruit or fruit and nut – can be any combination as long as the weight is right. I like date and apricot combo.¼ pt. of milk. (lactose free can be used)5 oz. S.R, flour1 large…

Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin Pie Ingredients6oz Shortcrust Pastry12oz Cooked Pumpkin2 Eggs4oz Caster Sugar2 tsp Cinnamon1 Pinch Ground Ginger1 Pinch Ground Nutmeg4 tbsp Milk Take about 6oz. of shortcrust pastry. Don’t worry if you are not good at pastry – supermarkets sell blocks or ready to use pre-rolled sheets in the chilled aisle. Line an 8″ pie plate. You will…