Ipswich Round (Page 9)

This is the online version of the circuit newsletter. The Ipswich Round is now issued each week via email – you can view the current edition by clicking here.

Past issues of the print version can be
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If you have any contributions for Ipswich Round, such as Articles, Reviews, Thoughts, Poems, Pictures, Studies, Recipes, Ideas, Musings, Stories, anything at all, you can submit them here or email ipswichround@methodistic.org.uk

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 22nd October 2023

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time                                Year A                                     22nd October 2023. Lectionary readings: Isaiah 45 v1-7;         Psalm 96 v1-9;         Thessalonians 1 v1-10;         Matthew 22 v15-22.                   Knowing and Believing. I wonder if King Cyrus of Persia ever knew that God was using him as an instrument in the release of God’s chosen people from captivity…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 15th October 2023

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time                    Year A                                     15th October 2023 Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 25 v1-9; Psalm 23; Philippians 4 v1-9; Matthew 22 v1-14.                      Actions have consequences. Matthew’s telling of the great banquet story contains some verses that are difficult to reconcile with a God of love. “Many are invited, but only a few are…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 8th October 2023

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time                   Year A                                                8th October 2023. Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 5 v1-7;         Psalm 80 v7-15;         Philippians 3 v4b-14;         Matthew 21 v33-46.                     “Are you receiving me? Over” In today’s gospel reading, Jesus is asking his listeners, (Chief Priests, Temple Leaders, Teachers of the Law and Pharisees) if they understand…

Release from the curse

Release from the curse : (live in the sunlight of God’s blessing) with Study outlineDerek Prince Ministries, 1990 dvd (2 discs) about 2 hours  £9.99  can be seen on YouTube Derek Prince begins with two pertinent statistics – how many times do we read the words ‘bless’ and ‘curse’ in the Bible ? Bless occurs…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 1st October 2023

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time                     Year A                                     1st October 2023 Lectionary Readings: Ezekiel 18 v1-4, 25-32;       Psalm 25 v1-9;       Philippians 2 v1-13;       Matthew 21 v23-32.    Seeing is Believing.    (for some, but not all, it seems.) Jesus is challenging the religious leaders about their understanding of God’s love and purposes. Jesus says that they did…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 24th September 2023

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time                     Year A                                    24th September 2023. Lectionary Readings: Jonah 3 v10-4 v11;      Psalm 105 v1-6, 37-45;      Philippians 1 v21-30;      Matthew 20 v1-16. Just to turn things on their head, I am starting with some questions for you to ponder:- The Nature of Love Love is only true to itself when it…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 17th September 2023

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time                    Year A                                     17th September 2023. Lectionary Readings: Genesis 50 v 15-21;         Psalm 103 v8-13;         Romans 14 v 1-12;        Matthew 18 v 21-35. Reluctance In the Old Testament reading, the brothers of Joseph seem reluctant to ask his forgiveness for selling him off as a slave many years before. It…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 10th September 2023

23rd Sunday on Ordinary Time                  Year A                                    10th September 2023 Lectionary Readings: Ezekiel 33 v 7-11;        Psalm 119 v33-40;        Romans 13 v 8-14;        Matthew 18 v 15-20. ‘Standing Watch’ over the flow of God’s grace and love. Ezekiel has been appointed by God to ‘stand watch for the people of Israel’. (Ezekiel 33 v7).…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 3rd September 2023

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time        Year A                                                 3rd September 2023 Lectionary readings:  Jeremiah 15 v15-21;       Psalm 26 v1-8;       Romans 12 v9-21;          Matthew 16 v21-28.        “Stop talking like a fool” and “Think like God” Most of us find it difficult to think straight in times of trouble. The apostle Paul advises us to “be…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 27th August 2023

21st Sunday in ordinary Time                      Year A                                                 27th August 2023 Lectionary Readings:  Isaiah 51 v1-6;    Psalm 138;     Romans 12 v1-8;    Matthew 16 v13-20           The Invisible Mentor The person of God not mentioned explicitly in today’s readings is the Holy Spirit. Jesus implies that the Holy Spirit is at work in the mind of…