Ipswich Round (Page 42)

This is the online version of the circuit newsletter. The Ipswich Round is now issued each week via email – you can view the current edition by clicking here.

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If you have any contributions for Ipswich Round, such as Articles, Reviews, Thoughts, Poems, Pictures, Studies, Recipes, Ideas, Musings, Stories, anything at all, you can submit them here or email ipswichround@methodistic.org.uk

It’s your move

It’s Your Move – Heading for High School This is a great little book for Year 6 pupils to help them think about and be better equipped for moving to their new High School. It talks about loneliness, getting lost and handling issues like bullying, drugs and relationships etc. There are some fun games and…

Sermon Notes 16th August 2020

Old Testament Reading Isaiah 56; v 1-8 The focus of this reading is keeping the Sabbath. A truly counter-cultural marker of being God’s Chosen People. During the pandemic, how have we been challenged to keep the Sabbath in different ways?  What have you found helpful? How much of the responsibility for keeping the Sabbath lies…

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 16th August 2020

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time        Year A                                                16th August 2020 Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 56 v1, 6-8.                               All nations will be part of God’s people. Romans 11 v1-2a, 29-32.                   God has not rejected his people. Matthew 15 v21-28.                           A woman’s faith. The ‘bigger picture’ requires a ‘bigger heart’. In the gospel reading, the focus is on…

Sermon Notes – 9th August 2020

Lectionary Readings   1 Kings 19 9-18    Psalm 85. 8-13     Romans 10. 5-15 The Gospel Reading; Matthew 14 22-33. High on the list of best ever recordings we would almost certainly find Simon and Garfunkel’s timeless “Bridge Over Troubled Water”. For me, it has long symbolised incarnation; that Christ on the cross literally becomes for us,…

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 9th August 2020

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year A                                                                   9th August 2020 Lectionary Readings: 1 Kings 19 v9-18.                               God appears to Elijah. Romans 10 v5-15.                              Anyone can be saved. Matthew 14 v22-33.                           Jesus walks on the water. “Why do you doubt”? All three lectionary readings challenge us to have faith in God. Faith that God is in…

The Weight of Glory by CS Lewis

The Weight of Glory  by CS Lewis    SPCK, 1942 23 pages        available in many of CS Lewis’s books of collected writings Combine a healthy, focussed imagination with a deep understanding of the way Christians see things, add an enviable command of language and you will eventually come up with CS Lewis. Such gifts are…

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 2nd August 2020

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time         Year A                                                             2nd August 2020. Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 55 v1-5                        God’s invitation Romans 9 v1-5                                   God’s choice of Israel Matthew 14 v13-21                            Jesus feeds 5000+ God’s Love and Loyalty. The prophet Isaiah relays God’s invitation to the people of Israel, to ‘come to me and live’ (v3). God promises them…

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 26th July 2020

17th Sunday on Ordinary Time. Year A.                                                    Lectionary Readings: 1 Kings 3 v5-12.                                 The Lord makes Solomon wise. Romans 8 v26-39.                              God’s love for us. Matthew 13 v31-33, 44-52.               New and old treasures. Wisdom and Understanding- God’s gifts to his people. Solomon asks God for wisdom to help him in his role as…