Ipswich Round (Page 41)

This is the online version of the circuit newsletter. The Ipswich Round is now issued each week via email – you can view the current edition by clicking here.

Past issues of the print version can be
found here.

You can click on various categories in the column on the right hand side or scroll through to see all articles

If you have any contributions for Ipswich Round, such as Articles, Reviews, Thoughts, Poems, Pictures, Studies, Recipes, Ideas, Musings, Stories, anything at all, you can submit them here or email ipswichround@methodistic.org.uk

Suffolk Churches Ride & Stride

Saturday 12th September sees the “Suffolk Churches Ride & Stride”. Last year I foolishly mentioned that I would like to try and cycle round ALL the Ipswich Circuit Churches. So this year I am going to attempt MOST of the churches, (apologies to Orford, and Capel / Brantham / Holbrook) This is around 70 miles and…

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 13th September 2020

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time         Year A                                                 13th September 2020 Lectionary Readings Genesis 50 v 15-21.                Joseph forgives his brothers. Romans 14 v 1-12.                 Don’t criticize others. Matthew 18 v 21-35.              An official who refuses to forgive. Reluctance In the Old Testament reading, the brothers of Joseph seem reluctant to ask his forgiveness…

Scripture Twisting

Scripture Twisting : twenty ways the cults misread the Bible by James W Sire IVP Books, 1980180 pages £14 ISBN 978 0 877 846 116 That there are so many competing religions and philosophies with ardent followers is sign enoughof hunger for the meaning of life, spiritual satisfaction and moral certainty – as the experience…

God of wonders – DVD review

God of Wonders   dvd  Eternal Productions, 2008  84 mins.  £12 Available from Amazon and Eden Bookshop, Cambridge Watching this film is worth it for the beautiful photography alone but the American producers do use the opportunity to preach the gospel. Critics and committed unbelievers might find the interspersed commentary superfluous, spoiling enjoyment of the magnificent…

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 6th September 2020

23rd Sunday on Ordinary Time        Year A                                                6th September 2020 Lectionary Readings Ezekiel 33 v 7-11                    Ezekiel is appointed to ‘stand watch’ for the people of Israel. Romans 13 v 8-14                  Love is all that the Law demands. Matthew 18 v 15-20               When someone sins. ‘Standing Watch’ over the flow of God’s…

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 30th August 2020

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time        Year A                                                             30th August 2020. Lectionary readings Jeremiah 15 v15-21               Jeremiah complains and God replies. Romans 12 v9-21                   Rules for Christian Living. Matthew 16 v21-28                Jesus speaks about his suffering and death. “Stop talking like a fool” and “Think like God” (or Straight and Crooked Thinking explained…

The lighter side …

Over the last few months we have been posting the odd cartoon on the Methodistic Facebook page. Here is a slideshow of some of the pictures we have used to brighten your day .. Special thanks to Derek the cleric for keeping us amused.See more on Andy Robb’s website

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 23rd August 2020

21st Sunday in ordinary Time          Year A                                                             23rd August 2020 Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 51 v1-6             The Lord will bring comfort Romans 12 v1-8                     Christ brings new life Matthew 16 v13-20                Who is Jesus? The Invisible Mentor The person of God not mentioned explicitly in today’s readings is the Holy Spirit. Jesus…