Ipswich Round (Page 31)

This is the online version of the circuit newsletter. The Ipswich Round is now issued each week via email – you can view the current edition by clicking here.

Past issues of the print version can be
found here.

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If you have any contributions for Ipswich Round, such as Articles, Reviews, Thoughts, Poems, Pictures, Studies, Recipes, Ideas, Musings, Stories, anything at all, you can submit them here or email ipswichround@methodistic.org.uk

Through a glass darkly – Review

Through a glass darkly : journeys through science, faith and doubt – a memoir  by Alister McGrath  Hodder & Stoughton, 2020 225 pages  ISBN 978 1 529 327 601 also available as an ebook Alister McGrath takes us through his life’s journey from an ardent atheist as a teenager and a temporary flirt with Marxism leading…

One small acorn

One small acorn fell to the groundLanding softly without a soundFrom that one acorn an Oaktree will growSpreading vast branches as on and on it will go Just as life itself evolves round and roundAll things nature will thrive and aboundIt will go on and on making changes on the wayNothing stays the same year…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 7th February 2021

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time                   Year B                                     7th February 2021. Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 40 v21-31                    God rules the whole earth. Psalm 147 v1-11, 20c.            Sing and Praise the Lord. 1 Corinthians 9 v16-23.        The rights of an apostle. Mark 1 v29-39.                      Jesus heals many people. Healing and Healing. The passage of scripture from Mark’s…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 31st January 2021

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time               Year B                                                 31st January 2021. Lectionary Readings: Deuteronomy 18 v15-20.                   A prophet like Moses. Psalm 111                                           Praise the Lord for all that he has done. 1 Corinthians 8 v1-13.                      Honouring God instead of Idols. Mark 1 v21-28                                   A man with an evil spirit. Wisdom and good sense. The Psalmist…

The Upside-Down Kingdom

The Upside-Down Kingdom  by Donald B Kraybill  Marshalls, 1978  318 pages   978 0 551 011 885 Donald Kraybill is, in his own words, ‘a theological layman’. His graduate qualifications in sociology become quickly apparent as you read this book for there is a great deal of sociological reference and explanation in this work – too…