Ipswich Round (Page 29)

This is the online version of the circuit newsletter. The Ipswich Round is now issued each week via email – you can view the current edition by clicking here.

Past issues of the print version can be
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If you have any contributions for Ipswich Round, such as Articles, Reviews, Thoughts, Poems, Pictures, Studies, Recipes, Ideas, Musings, Stories, anything at all, you can submit them here or email ipswichround@methodistic.org.uk

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 13th June 2021

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time                        Year B                                    13th June 2021. Lectionary Readings: 1 Samuel 15 v34-16v13; Psalm 20; 2 Corinthians 5 v6-17; Mark 4 v26-34. Seeds of the Kingdom? One way to begin thinking about Mark’s ‘seed’ stories is to ponder what Jesus meant by ‘The kingdom of God’ when he introduced these stories.…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 6th June 2021

Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                        Year B                                          6th June 2021 Lectionary readings:1 Samuel 8 v4-20; Psalm 138; 2 Corinthians 4 v13-5v1;  Mark 3 v20-35 The true source of the power to heal. People in ancient times lived in fear of demons, who they thought were responsible for a whole range of what we would…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 30th May 2021

Trinity Sunday                                  Year B                                                            30th May 2021. Lectionary Readings:     Isaiah 6 v1-8;      Psalm 29;      Romans 8 v12-17;      John 3 v1-17. Transforming relationships The apostle Paul argues that “Only those people who are led by God’s Spirit are his children”. (Romans 8 v14). Paul goes on to suggest that the relationship between these children and…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 23rd May 2021

Pentecost Sunday                              Year B                                                            23rd May 2021. Lectionary Readings:  Acts 2 v1-21;    Psalm 104 v24-34;    Romans 8 v22-27;     John 15 v26-27;     John 16 v4b-15. The Spirit is here to help us. Jesus said “I will send you the Spirit who comes from the Father and shows what is true. The Spirit will help you…

David by Duff Cooper

David  by Duff Cooper    Cape, 1943  224 pages  out of print but available secondhand It’s always a pleasure to read a book on a subject written with such good English with which the author shows such mastery. David is here the hero of the Jewish faith. Duff Cooper was an aristocrat (1st Viscount Norwich)…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 16th May 2021

Seventh Sunday of Easter                                        Year B                                     16th May 2021 Lectionary Readings:   Acts 1 v15-17,21-26.    Psalm 1.    1 John 5 v9-13.          John 17 v6-19. Knowing me, knowing you. Jesus said, “Father, I don’t ask you to take my followers out of the world, but to keep them safe. I am sending them into the world,…

Pentecost Cookies

Pentecost is one of the most important festivals in the Church’s year. At Christmas and Easter we eat Christmas Pudding and Simnel Cake, but I don’t have any traditional recipes to cook for Whitsun / Pentecost. Does anyone know of any? My family loves cookies, so we thought up these Pentecost cookies – they’re yellow…