Ipswich Round (Page 27)

This is the online version of the circuit newsletter. The Ipswich Round is now issued each week via email – you can view the current edition by clicking here.

Past issues of the print version can be
found here.

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If you have any contributions for Ipswich Round, such as Articles, Reviews, Thoughts, Poems, Pictures, Studies, Recipes, Ideas, Musings, Stories, anything at all, you can submit them here or email ipswichround@methodistic.org.uk

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 9th May 2021

Sixth Sunday of Easter                                 Year B                                                9th May 2021 Lectionary Readings:   Acts 10 v44-48;    Psalm 98;    1 John 5 v1-6;    John 15 v9-17. Jesus said “I command you to love each other” (John 15 v17). OK, Jesus, I hear your command, but Lord, some people are difficult to love! You, Lord, know that human…

Last Supper

Jesus was there, at the tableEating and drinking the same as theyThe man that was born in a stableDestined to be our saviour today The last meal eaten togetherBefore he was lifted upTo sit with his heavenly father forever So we should never have an empty cup His disciples in awe all watched himAs he raised…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 2nd May 2021

Fifth Sunday of Easter                                 Year B                                                 2nd May 2021 Lectionary readings: Acts 8 v26-40; Psalm 22 v25-31; 1 John 4 v7-21; John 15 v1-8.               Joining up the dots on the way to honouring God. Philip helped the Ethiopian official with his thinking about God. Philip linked the passage from the book of Isaiah…

Beyond coincidence – DVD

Beyond coincidence   dvd, Koinonia House, 2010  120 minutes  US$19.99 Video and audio downloads available Dr Chuck Missler introduces an in-depth study of what has become known as ‘the Anthropic Principle’. This principle was so named by Paul Dirac in 1937 and by Robert Dicke in 1961. Ir describes the appearance of the universe as having…

If Jesus were to visit me

If Jesus were to visit meHe would take me as I amBecause he knows me best of allAnd would simply shake my hand I would show him round the gardenThen offer him cake and teaWe’d chat about the changing worldAnd how it affects you and me I’d tell him about the hopes I haveThat children…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 25th April 2021

Fourth Sunday of Easter                  Year B                                                            25th April 2021 Lectionary Readings:      Acts 4 v5-12;            Psalm 23;     1 John 3 v16-24;      John 10 v11-18. Seizing the opportunity and responding to God’s love for us. Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit and told the nation’s leaders and elders: “You are questioning us today about…

KJB : the book that changed the world

KJB : the book that changed the world  dvd, 2010  94 minutes £5.99 Presented by John Rhys-Davies and scripted by Murray Watts, this film tells the amazing tale of events leading up to the birth of the King James Bible.  Looking back 6 or 7 centuries with the help of some dramatised episodes, the presenter…