Ipswich Round (Page 26)

This is the online version of the circuit newsletter. The Ipswich Round is now issued each week via email – you can view the current edition by clicking here.

Past issues of the print version can be
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If you have any contributions for Ipswich Round, such as Articles, Reviews, Thoughts, Poems, Pictures, Studies, Recipes, Ideas, Musings, Stories, anything at all, you can submit them here or email ipswichround@methodistic.org.uk

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 7th November 2021

Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary time.               Year B                            7th November 2021. Lectionary Readings:  1 Kings 17 v8-16;  Psalm 146;  Hebrews 9 v24-28;  Mark 12 v38-44. Compassion plus ? = Justice Mark tells a story about a poor widow who placed all she had, as her gift, into the Temple offering box. (Mark 12 v41-44).…

The vanishing conscience

The vanishing conscience : drawing the line in a no-fault, guilt-free world  by John MacArthur Jr.Nelson, 2012  £9.99  280 pages  ISBN 978 0 785 271 819 John MacArthur’s excellent sermon on this subject can be found on YouTube (in some respects, the sermon is better than the book) Truth to tell, there is more about…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 31st October 2021

Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time                   Year B                         31st October 2021 Lectionary Readings: Deuteronomy 6 v1-9; Psalm 119 v1-8; Hebrews 9 v11-14; Mark 12 v28-34. The most important commandment. One of the teachers of the law of Moses….. asked Jesus “What is the most important commandment?” Jesus answered “The most important one says: ‘people…

Sangster of Westminster

Sangster of Westminster Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1960 104 pagesOut of print, probably available secondhand Dr Will Sangster, was a remarkable man and a superb preacher as anyone who remembers him willreadily confirm. This book was published in the same year that, sadly, saw him depart this life.There are three parts to this book –…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 24th October 2021

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary time Year B                                                 24th October 2021 Lectionary Readings:  Jeremiah 31 v7-9;   Psalm 126;   Hebrews 7 v23-28;   Mark 10 v46-52. ‘Faith’ and ‘Sight’. The Collins Bible Dictionary defines faith as: ‘Essentially an attitude of mind and heart by which a person entrusts themselves to God. The Bible’s own definition is that…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 17th October 2021

Twenty-ninth Sunday in ordinary Time     Year B                                    17th October 2021 Lectionary readings: Isaiah 53 v4-12;  Psalm 91 v9-16;   Hebrews 5 v1-10;   Mark 10 v35-45. A lesson about ‘Kingship’. James and John asked Jesus if they could sit beside him when he ‘came into his glory’ Jesus was disappointed by their request for places of honour.…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 10th October 2021

Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time               Year B                         10th October 2021 Lectionary Readings:   Amos 5 v6-7, 10-15;   Psalm 90 v12-17;   Hebrews 4 v12-16;             Mark 10 v17-31. Money can’t buy you love. In Mark’s account of Jesus’ encounter with a rich man, (a ‘young’ man in Matthew’s account), Jesus acknowledges that the unnamed man is sincere…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 3rd October 2021

Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time                        Year B                         3rd October 2021. Lectionary Readings: Genesis 2 v18-24;   Psalm 8;  Hebrews 1 v1-4, 2 v5-12;  Mark 10 v2-16. Bonds of love. Jesus said, “I promise you that you cannot get into God’s kingdom unless you accept it the way a child does.” (Mark 10 v15). Babies and…