Lectionary Reflections (Page 26)

“Aldersgate Sunday”

REFLECTION FOR SUNDAY 24th MAY – ALDERSGATE SUNDAY I was planned to lead worship a Framlingham on Sunday and so I decided to put some thoughts on paper and online. Sunday 24th May is Aldersgate Sunday the day when our founder, John Wesley, found his heart strangely warmed and he discovered the love of God.…

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 24th May 2020

7th Sunday of Easter (Sunday after Ascension Day)                      Year A                         24.5.20. Lectionary Readings Acts 1 v6-14                           Jesus is taken to heaven. 1 Peter 4 v12-14; 5 v6-11.     Suffering and comfort. John 17 v1-11                         Jesus prays for his followers. Questions, questions. Luke has two versions of the Ascension. Why?  At the end of…

Copy of Lectionary reflections for Sunday 17th May 2020

6th Sunday of Easter              Year A                                                                       Lectionary Readings Acts 17 v22-31           Paul in Athens. 1 Peter 3 v13-22         Suffering for doing right. John 14 v15-21          The Holy Spirit is promised. We are not orphans, we are children of a loving God. In the passage from Acts, Paul is telling his sceptical audience that…

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 10th May 2020

5th Sunday of Easter              Year A                                                                        Lectionary Readings Acts 7 v55-60              The stoning of Stephen.1 Peter 2 v2-10            A living stone and a holy nation.John 14 v1-14             Jesus, the face of the Father. Do we need a visual aid to explain a mystery? In the hymn, popular with children of all ages, ‘Our God…

Lectionary Reflections for Sunday 3rd May 2020

4th Sunday of Easter – Year A                                                                                              3.5.20 Lectionary Readings Acts 2 v42-47              Life among the Lord’s followers. 1 Peter 2 v19-25          The example of Christ’s suffering. John 10 v1-10             Story of the sheep and the Shepherd. Reflection                   Whose ‘voice’ do you trust? In the passage from Acts we are told ‘that they spent…