Lectionary Reflections (Page 25)

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 26th July 2020

17th Sunday on Ordinary Time. Year A.                                                    Lectionary Readings: 1 Kings 3 v5-12.                                 The Lord makes Solomon wise. Romans 8 v26-39.                              God’s love for us. Matthew 13 v31-33, 44-52.               New and old treasures. Wisdom and Understanding- God’s gifts to his people. Solomon asks God for wisdom to help him in his role as…

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 12th July 2020

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                                                 12 July 2020. Lectionary Readings Isaiah 55 v1-13                      God’s words are powerful. Romans 8 v1-11                     Living by the power of God’s Spirit. Matthew 13 v1-9; 18-23        A story about a farmer. How can I live a ‘productive’ life? Well,  says Isaiah, start by turning back to God, give up…

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 5th July 2020

The 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time                        Year A                                     5.7.2020. Lectionary Readings: Zechariah 9 v 9-12.                           The lord promises to rescue the captives. Romans 7 v 15-25a.                           The battle with sin. Matthew 11 v 16-19, 25-30.              “Come to me and rest”. The Rescuer. “I will come to your rescue and offer you hope”.      (Zechariah 9…

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 28th June 2020

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                                                             28.6.2020. Lectionary Readings Jeremiah 28 v5-9                   Jeremiah accuses Hananiah of being a false prophet. Romans 6 v12-23                   Obedient slaves of God. Matthew10 v40-42                 Rewards. ‘Slave owner’ maybe, but not a ‘taskmaster’. “Now you are set free from sin and are slaves who please God. I am using these everyday…

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 14th June 2020

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time.                                                                                14.6.20 Lectionary Readings: Exodus 19 v2-8a.                               Moses at Mount Sinai. Romans 5 v1-8                                   A new life for God’s people. Matthew 9 v35 – 10 v8                      Jesus has pity on people. Are you part of the problem or part of the solution? That is the underlying question I think…

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 7th June 2020

Trinity Sunday                                  Year A                                                            7 June 2020. Lectionary Readings Isaiah 40 v12-17; 27-31.                    Who compares with God? And the LORD gives strength. 2 Corinthians 13 v1-13                     Letter ending- blessing. Matthew 28 v16-20                            What Jesus’ followers must do. Motivation. What is it that motivates and binds together God the Father, Jesus and the Holy…

Lectionary reflections for Sunday 31st May 2020

Day of Pentecost – Whit Sunday                 Year A                                                 31.5.20 Lectionary Readings Numbers 11 v24-30               Seventy leaders are chosen to help Moses. Acts 2 v1-21                           The coming of the Holy Spirit. John 20 v19-23                      Jesus appears to his disciples. ‘A breath of fresh air’ An expression we use to suggest that someone has made…

“Aldersgate Sunday”

REFLECTION FOR SUNDAY 24th MAY – ALDERSGATE SUNDAY I was planned to lead worship a Framlingham on Sunday and so I decided to put some thoughts on paper and online. Sunday 24th May is Aldersgate Sunday the day when our founder, John Wesley, found his heart strangely warmed and he discovered the love of God.…