Lectionary Reflections (Page 12)

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 29th May 2022

Seventh Sunday of Easter                            Year C                                     29th May 2022 Lectionary Readings:  Acts 16 v16-34;   Psalm 97;   Revelation 22 v12-21;   John 17 v20-26. Jesus said, “I will be one with them”. In the reading from John’s gospel, Jesus is praying for us, his followers. Jesus said, “I told them what you are like and I…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 22nd May 2022

Sixth Sunday of Easter                       Year C                                                  22nd May 2022 Lectionary Readings: Acts 16 v9-15; Psalm 67; Revelation 21 v10, 22-22v5; John 14 v23-29. A place for prayer. In today’s passage from Acts we read of Luke joining Paul and his friends in Troas  and journeying to Philippi as a result of a vision given…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 15th May 2022

Fifth Sunday of Easter                     Year C                                                 15th May 2022 Lectionary Readings:   Acts 11 v1-18;   Psalm 148;   Revelation 21 v1-6;   John 13 v31-35. A challenge within a challenge. Jesus said, “I am giving you a new command. You must love each other, just as I have loved you. If you love each other, everyone…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 1st May 2022

Third Sunday of Easter                                Year C     1st May 2022                          Lectionary Readings:  Acts 9 v1-6 (7-20);   Psalm 30;   Revelation 5 v11-14;   John 21 v1-19. Jesus asks, “Do you love me?” The chosen passage from John’s gospel tells of the encounter between Jesus and Simon Peter on the shore of Lake Tiberias. When Jesus and his…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 24th April 2022

Second Sunday of Easter.                             Year C                                     24th April 2022 Lectionary Readings:  Acts 5 v27-32;  Psalm 118 v14-29;  Revelation 1 v4-8;  John 20 v19-31. “Receive the Holy Spirit.” In John’s gospel, the risen Jesus met with the disciples on the evening of Easter Day. He breathed the Holy Spirit upon them and gave them the…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 17th April 2022

Easter Day                                         Year C                                                 17th April 2022 Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 65 v17-25; Psalm 118 v1-2, 14-24; I Corinthians 15 v19-26; Luke 24 v1-12. Unbelievable to some, but true none-the-less. “Why are you looking in the place of the dead for someone who is alive? Jesus isn’t here! He was raised from death. Remember that…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 10th April 2022

Sixth Sunday in Lent                                    Year C                                    10th April 2022 Lectionary readings: Isaiah 50 v4-9a;  Psalm 31 v9-16;  Philippians 2 v5-11;  Luke 23 v1-49. Do we really listen to God’s servants? The prophet Isaiah says, “None of you respect the Lord or obey his servant. You walk in the dark instead of the light; you don’t…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 3rd April 2022

Fifth Sunday in Lent.                                   Year C                                               3rd April 2022 Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 43 v16-21;   Psalm 126;   Philippians 3 v4b-14;   John 12 v1-8. An outpouring of love. The gospel passage today tells us of an incident at the house of Lazarus, Mary and Martha in the village of Bethany, not far from the city of…

Lectionary Reflections – Sunday 27th March 2022

Fourth Sunday of Lent                                 Year C                                   27th March 2022 Lectionary Readings: Joshua 5 v9-12;         Psalm 32;       2 Corinthians 5 v16-21;        Luke 15 v1-3, 11b-32. The Joy of Forgiveness In Psalm 32, King David speaks of the blessing he has received from God in the wake of confessing his sins to him. ‘Our…