
At this time of the year, I seem to use a lot of candles. All shapes and sizes get used as part of my Christmas decorations. Most don’t get lit but are put carefully away after Christmas and brought out again the following year, but I really like seasonal spice t-lights which do get lit.

When we light a candle, it gives off a gentle glow. It gives softness to our surroundings and eliminates the harshness hiding in the shadows. We use candles to set a mood or in an emergency when there is a power cut. Although useful, candles provide only a limited light and are not very reliable, being easily blown out by the slightest puff of wind, except at the minute when you try to blow them out without taking your mask off. They can also be dangerous if not looked after carefully. They need to be on a solid protective base so that they will not damage or burn whatever they are put on.

Our Christian witness can be like candlelight. At times we burn brightly, wanting to shine for Jesus. We show His love and gentleness to others, eager to share “our light.” Then there are other times when difficulties come and we begin to flicker and become unsteady in our walk. Our daily way of life can influence others and cause damage to people around us.

The prophet Isaiah had a word of encouragement for us. In Isaiah 42 v 3 we read, “A bruised reed He will not break and a smouldering wick He will not snuff out.” 

Has your light become dim or flickering? Let Christ Jesus restore you and me.

Lord, help us to be bright shining candles showing your love to others.