This expression is found in 1 Corinthians 9 verse 22 “To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some”.
I was reminded of the variety of (some would say sneaky) ways in which people choose to share the gospel. The first was a Christian businessman working in an African country. He took a Christian newspaper with him on the bus to work and made a point of sitting next to someone. He would then open his paper and hold it so it was easy for the passenger to read it, and most would do so. He would take a long time to turn the page giving his neighbour time to read the articles. I suspect that Christian may have never known if or what difference it made.
A Christian (years ago) who did a lot of travelling, would ensure he had a CD in his car that contained a gospel message and make a point of offering a lift to hitchhikers. When the new passenger was seated, he would ask them if they would mind if he continued listening to a talk on the CD In his experience, no one objected and so were subject to hearing a message for up to 30 minutes. Sometimes, this led to interesting conversations.
In an introduction to a talk, at Sizewell Hall, the speaker said, “Today, too many preachers are trying to do the work of the Holy Spirit by convincing listeners of their sin.” A chorus from years ago started with these words – “Lead me to some soul today, O teach me, Lord, just what to say.” It may not be a gospel message or a Bible quotation, but if that prayer is answered, who knows how God the Holy Spirit will use us”.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father may our words and actions be inspired by You for the blessing of all who we are in contact with today. AMEN