
On Tuesday I went to Ipswich, travelling by bus. We only have one bus per hour and it was 25 minutes late but the sun was shining so I didn’t mind waiting. It might have been a different story if it had been raining.

There was a “Buddy Driver” on board and I assumed that the young driver was in training. I was really impressed with the “Buddy”. He was so positive with all the advice he was giving and numerous times told the driver that he had done well. He was also setting a very good example as he was courteous to all the passengers and ensured that some of the less agile got safely off and on and helped with young parents with toddlers and buggies.

Do you have a “Buddy” who can give you good advice and reassurance? Our friends can help us with so many things. They can bring comfort when we are distressed and help us to celebrate when times are good. They bring friendship when we’re lonely and can set us on a straight path when we are a bit lost. Obviously I hope I’m a good friend to others as well as receiving help from them. 

The one friend we can always rely on is our Heavenly Father. He knows when we need help and is happy when we’re happy.

Thank You Lord for being our “Buddy” and showing us how to live our lives.