
My sister recently underwent a knee replacement, and being the “loving/devoted” older sibling, I went to stay with her for a few days. She was just one week post surgery and had been given a programme of exercises by the physiotherapist whom we visited on my first day there. Anyone who has had a knee replacement will know that surgery is only a small part of the whole procedure and the post op period of recovery is very much dependent on a positive state of mind, exercise, and taking adequate painkillers.

With my, previous, medical hat on I was able to advise on what and when to take the painkillers, and also to “encourage/ supervise” her exercise programme. The image (used with her permission) is her first attempt at “squats.”

A mutual friend sent my sister a message asking, “I hope Liz is not being too bossy?” to which my sister replied, “Liz, bossy? Never!” I thought I was there to encourage that positive state of mind!

How often do we need encouragement when we don’t feel like doing something? How often do we seek the advice of someone we hope has the appropriate knowledge?

Is firm encouragement being bossy?

In our relationship with God, we may discern that he is calling us to do something that seems like hard work at first, but with perseverance it becomes easier.

Is God bossy or encouraging?

Prayer: Gracious and loving God, help us when we need encouragement, be with us as we negotiate life’s ups and downs. Help us to be positive encouragers. You, Lord, are the source of our strength, you are all knowing, and forever loving. Help us to persevere and look to you in the good and the bad times. AMEN