Body, Mind, Spirit

When you hear the words ‘investing’ or ‘capital’ your mind almost inevitably turns to thoughts of money and savings. 

Finance, whether personal, community or national, features constantly in the news. We are accustomed to associating ‘investing’ and ‘capital’ with money. It’s quite normal.

In financial terms, you can invest more money thus increasing the capital or you can spend it.

Common sense suggests it is wise to control the spending so that the it does not outrun the available capital.  

Christians (and other faith groups) can borrow these words and the ideas they represent and use them to express a truth or truths about spirituality.

Moving the financial idea to the spiritual is far from original for Jesus surely had the idea in mind when He spoke of ‘laying up treasure for yourselves in heaven.’ (Matthew 5:19)

What do we need to do to ‘lay up for ourselves treasure in heaven’?

Investing in spiritual capital seems to be one good answer.

One form of investment – worship – springs to mind very quickly – either on your own in a daily Quiet Time or with others as is our usual Methodist practice.

A regular time to read God’s Word and to pray is also a worthwhile investment. 

Joining fellowships of one kind or another is good Methodist practice too and sharing Holy Communion is a rite with Biblical warrant (when it becomes possible).

Last, but not least in terms of investment, good works of any kind will remind you of what Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:16 -‘Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven’). 

Remember, it is easy, terribly easy, to live off your spiritual capital and leave yourself impoverished – spiritually.

Feed your body; feed your mind; feed your spirit. Stay healthy.