The 2000 US presidential election was finally decided after weeks of recounts, court battles and controversy about punch-card ballots. Political pundits and comedians had a heyday. Even after the Florida recount wrangling was over, a billboard along the Michigan highway reminded travellers of those post-election days. It carried this clever message: “Count your blessings. Recount if necessary.”
In Genesis 24 v 1 we read that “the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things.” Remarkable! The brief biography of Abraham’s 175 years (11v 29-25v 8) reveals blessing after blessing interwoven through all the adversities, testings and even failures of his life. As we review our years, whether many or few, we can see that same wonderful mixture of blessings, promises, and mercy running through our lives, even the trials and lapses of faith. If we can’t, maybe a recount is necessary.”
Does the first part of this story remind you of recent weeks in the US.? I’m sure many people were glad to see President Biden’s inauguration pass peacefully. He is a man who has suffered many trials in his life and we wait to see how he will act as President. The simplest things can give us hope and encouragement and help us to count our blessings.

The sunrise this morning was truly beautiful.
So as we count and recount our blessings let’s do what comes naturally and praise God for them.