Big Quiz Night @ Landseer Road Methodist Church

Landseer Road are hosting the Tearfund Big Quiz Night 2022 at 7pm on 19th November, along with hundreds of other churches throughout the UK. Thousands of people will be having a go at the quiz and raising money for Tearfund to help them tackle poverty.

Every pound that is raised from your Big Quiz Night will help empower people to lift themselves out of poverty. Tearfund works in more than 50 countries around the world, working through local partners to help individuals, families and whole communities reach their God-given potential.

Come and join us by either entering a team or by yourself and we will put you with some other individual entrants on the night.

There will be a raffle and refreshments will be available during the evening. We are also fortunate to have the Gainsborough Community Choir coming along to sing a few songs for us during the half time break.

There will be a prize for the winning team on the night.