Being Church, Doing Life, Marks of Maturity – Sermon Series

The new preaching theme from Capel St Mary Methodist Church is Being Church, Doing Life, Marks of Maturity, beginning 26th April for 5 weeks until 24th May. Rev. Andrew Sankey says:

This title was chosen a long time ago when we had no idea we wouldn’t be worshiping in our church building. The emphasis is on growing into maturity in the way we “do” life, we are still church outside the building, “doing life”. The marks of maturity are areas that none of us have perfected and we need to Practise, forgiveness, perseverance, Godly attitudes, generosity and belonging.  Because we are Practising relationships in the church it can sometimes be fractious, but if we work on these areas, there will be greater unity and more effective outreach. There is a saying “Practice makes perfect”. I don’t promise perfection at the end of five weeks, but let us see some growth in maturity.

Services will be livestreamed from Capel St Mary Methodist Church on Sundays at 10.30 a.m. and be available by video. Find it here.

26th AprilPractising ForgivenessRev. Andrew Sankey
3rd  MayPractising PerseveranceGodfrey Miller
10th May Practising Godly AttitudeSue King
17th MayPractising GenerosityAlyson Ellis
24th MayPractising BelongingRev. Andrew Sankey