Be generous

The Thought for the Day is from Proverbs 11 v 25.

A generous person will prosper;
whoever refreshes others will be refreshed

A visitor to a lighthouse said to the keeper, “Aren’t you afraid to live here with the storms and high winds constantly lashing the walls?”
Oh, we have to be more concerned about those out on the sea,” the man replied. “We think only of having our lamps burning brightly and keeping reflectors clear so that those in greater danger may be saved.”
We too are to be more concerned about others than we are about ourselves (Phil. 2 v 3-4). Generosity and selflessness produce an abundant life of joy and rich reward. According to the Scriptures, if we give freely to others, we will receive abundant blessing.
As we focus our attention on giving refreshing help to the needy, we will be refreshed by the Lord.”
How many lives have been saved by lighthouse keepers making sure that all is working well in the lighthouse? The light warns of dangers in the sea that are to be avoided. The light of our faith also protects us and warns us of dangers that need to be avoided.
This passage also tells us that we should be generous and concerned about others. God wants us to share His love with others. Service is working and giving and not counting the cost.

Creator God, You call us to work with You that all life might flourish. help us to spend our days using the gifts that You give us.