“Be a Cheerful Giver”

 Bible reading – 2 Corinthians 9 v 7
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver

“A pastor wanted to see if a farmer in his congregation was willing to support the Lord’s work. So one day he challenged him with some direct questions.”If you had two farms,” he asked, “would you be willing to give one to God?” “Why certainly!” replied the man. “I only wish I were in a position to do so.” 

The minister then asked, “If you had £10,000, would you give £5,000 to the Lord?” Without hesitation the man responded, “How I’d love to have that kind of money! I’d enjoy giving generously like that.” 

The preacher then asked, “If you had two pigs would you give one to the church?” The farmer hesitated for a moment and then blurted out, “That’s not fair. You know I’ve got two pigs!” 

2 Corinthians 9 v 7 tells us not to give “grudgingly or of necessity.” As the Lord has prospered us, let’s return a portion to Him—wisely, purposefully and gladly. God loves a cheerful giver!  The highest kind of giving comes from the bottom of the heart.” 

This is Christian Aid week when usually millions of pounds are raised for this cause. This year is obviously going to be very different. Many people who would normally donate are in the situation where their income has been reduced or they have become unemployed. Health worries are prominent and fear for the future is making many very stressed. The work of Christian Aid must go on so please pray for success for this charity as they try to raise funds in different ways this year. Give thanks for the generosity of many people in supporting this work all over the world.

With prayers, Anna.

You can visit our Christian Aid week page at https://methodistic.org.uk/christian-aid-week-2020/